Daily learning Class 1- 27.3.20

Good morning everyone!

After today we will have done a whole week of remote teaching! It has been different to say the least. I think everyone has done extremely well. Children you must thank your parents for all their hard work! Thank you from Mrs Fox too!

I am missing you all but the pictures are keeping me going! This morning should be Forest School. Mrs Rollings has suggested an activity to do today.

FOREST SCHOOL: do some bark rubbings, looking at the different textures and looking at how different trees have different bark. Mrs Rollings has also suggested that you download the free woodland trust app- British Tree Identification and try and identify different species of trees.

Year 1’s should have a spelling test today. So instead of having a test, I would like you to choose 5 of your spellings to use in a sentence.


DANCE Miss Relph has sent this link:


Complete the first session only- Bees do the waggle dance.


MUSIC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p06d0njh Listen and sing along to Incy,Wincy Spider. Then identify and clap the beat. Next find different ways to move to the beat…click fingers, tap knees . How inventive can you be?


 MATHS: Weight and Mass lesson 1.

ALL: Watch the white rose video you will need to use this link:  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Year ones complete the weight activities using this link:


Reception- choose an item from home – find things that are heavier and lighter than it. Record your findings using:

_________ is heavier than ______

_____________ is lighter than _____________.

Have a lovely day! I love receiving your photos and I know everyone else enjoys seeing them too!

Mrs Fox


More Lovely Work.

Hello everyone!

Thank you again for sending in all your lovely photos! I am so impressed with all the fantastic things you have been doing.

I have really enjoyed guessing the mini beast descriptions that were sent to me. I haven’t found out if I was right yet!

Here are some more pictures of your friends so you can see what they have been up to.


Daily Learning Thursday 26th March

Good morning, it is another beautiful day!

Are you ready for your Joe Wicks workout I am!!! I have even got my school PE kit on! Have you?

Please find todays daily learning plan below, just click on the link to view:

Thursday 26th March.pub


Counting in 5s exercise video below:

Year 1 money worksheets- click the link in blue-  Year 1 counting in 5p’s  worksheet

Reception maths click the link in blue- Reception maths- 10 interesting things


Spelling Shed- Reception

Please note that new assignments have been put on Spelling Shed for reception pupils. These lists will help to reinforce their phonics knowledge.

Many thanks
