Nativity – Evening Performance


Please could all children in Fireflies & Grasshoppers return to school on Tuesday 10th December at 5.30pm, so that they have time to get changed ready for their performance at 6pm.

Please do not arrive before 5.30pm.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox

Nativity Costumes/Lines

Nativity Costumes 

We do have some nativity costumes in school but some of them are starting to look a little worn. If anyone has any old costumes that they are happy to donate to school, for future performances, we would be very grateful.

We will be sending home a slip next week so parents and carers know what costumes the children will need for our nativity performance.

Lines (KS1)

If your child has brought home lines to learn for their part in the nativity, please can you support them at home to learn their lines and deliver them with lots of volume!

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox



Level 2 Phonics- Pure Sounds and Actions

Please find below the video (link) for the Level 2 pure sounds and actions which Reception children are currently learning. Please note the pronunciation of the sounds, as they may sound different to how you say them at home. It is really important that children use ‘pure’ sounds when sounding out.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Many thanks,


Beach Party Reminder

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday 17th July) the children can come to school in a summer outfit ready for their beach afternoon. Please can they wear sturdy footwear, not flip flops or sandals.

The weather is forecast to be warmer so please can the children come prepared to spend the afternoon outside.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox

Animal Man Visit

On Monday, Fireflies and Grasshoppers were treated to a visit from the animal man.

They learnt a lot about different types of insects and animals which linked in with their science and topic work from last term. The children were taught many interesting facts about the animals and insects brought into school. They even got the opportunity to stroke and handle some of them, including hedgehogs, toads, snakes and scorpions!



Corner Exotics – Simon Airey

This afternoon, Grasshoppers and Fireflies had a visit from Simon, from Corner Exotics. We all learnt so much about the world and the animals that live in it. In particular, those from Australia and those animals with similar adaptations.

A blue tongued skink, carpet python, boa constrictor, hedgehog, chinchilla, scorpion, giant spiny stick insect, tarantulas, Australian green tree frog, African bullfrog, leopard gecko and an East Australian bearded dragon.

We all had a great afternoon and the children were fearless!


Animal Man Visit – Grasshoppers and Fireflies

Grasshoppers and Fireflies are having a visitor on the first day back after Easter: the Animal Man.


As this may involve some direct interaction with the animals, could any parents/carers with children with allergies to any animals fill in the following form:


World Book Day (7th March) and Comic Relief (15th March)

We have two upcoming events that we are planning on celebrating in school.


World Book Day (Thursday 7th March)

For World Book Day, children are encouraged to come to school dress as character from their favourite (or any) book/story – and also bring along the book (if the have it); however, we appreciate that not all children will enjoy “dressing up”. If so, they can come in their own clothes. As this is not a charitable fundraising event, no donation are being requested.


On the day, the children’s classes will be mixed to form 5 new classes (with children from reception to Y6 in each class). The classes will then rotate around a variety of different book-themed activities throughout the day.


In the afternoon, we’d like to invite any parents and carers (and others) to come into school – in a similar way as last year – to share some reading books or stories with your child or any others . This will be from 2:15pm. At around 2:45pm, we will be having our usual celebration assembly – which anyone is also welcome to stay for.



Comic Relief – “Red Nose Day” (Friday 15th March)

We are also having a fundraising day for Comic Relief. Children can come into school in their own clothes (with something red). We are requesting donations for this event as it will be raising money for Comic Relief; however, the amount is entirely up to you.


As part of the day, children can also bring in their own joke – written on piece of paper with their name on. The joke doesn’t have to be an original one. Teachers will be picking their top 20 jokes – which will be shared in assembly and the top joke (by volume of laughter it generates) winning a prize! Unfortunately, due to timings, this will be an assembly with just children.

Club Spaces

There are still spaces for the after school clubs this term – children can start this week if payment can be dropped into the office. I have attached the Clubs letter for more information. Please email if you have any questions.

Cheerleading KS2 – 3 spaces

Create Club year 1-year 6 – 3 spaces

Multisports KS1 – 5 spaces

Invasion Games year 2-year 6 – 4 spaces

Activity Clubs letter Spring Term 2 2024

Spring Term Clubs

There are still some places left in after school clubs this term, and we are opening up our fantastic art club on Wednesdays, Create Club, for year 2s!

KS2 Cheerleading Tuesday – 2 spaces

Create Club Wednesday – now open for year 2 upwards.

KS1 Multisports Thursday

Invasion Games Friday

The letter that went out last term is attached for more information and cost of the clubs. Please send payment into the office.

Activity Clubs Spring Term 1 2024

Dress rehearsal & Evening performance – Wednesday 13th December

Tomorrow is our nativity dress rehearsal and evening performance, for Key Stage One children.

Please could all the children be back at school for 5.30pm.

There are 6 costumes that are still outstanding for children in Fireflies. Please let us know if you are having difficulty providing one and we will help. 

Please could the girls have their hair tied back tomorrow.

Many thanks.



Nativity Costumes

If your child has been asked to provided a costume for the nativity performance, please can they bring it into school by Friday 8th December.

If you have it ready before that date, please feel free to send them in from Monday. Please ensure that they are in a plastic bag, which is clearly labelled.

We appreciate parents providing costumes. For the past few years we have managed to sort out a costume for all the children but some of them are now looking very well-worn.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox

Fireflies Visit to John The Baptist Church

Yesterday the fireflies had a fantastic visit to John the Baptist Church here in Ditton Priors.  This was as part of their R.E. learning where they were finding out about the features of a Christian place of worship and the features within.

We were met by Reverend Joe Simons who gave the children a talk and tour of the church, and then we had to go on a scavenger hunt to find different features of the church. We all really enjoyed the visit and learnt lots – thank you so much Reverend Joe!

After School Clubs

After school clubs are starting next week. There are a few spaces left in the following clubs:

KS2 Art Club on Wednesdays

KS1 Multi Sports on Thursdays

yr2-6 Invasion Games on Fridays

If your child would be interested in any of these clubs, please fill out a reply slip (attached) and return it with payment to the school office asap. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Activity Club information

Reply Slips Autumn 23


Thank you for all the interest in clubs for next term – Cheerleading and Lego are now fully booked, but there are spaces left in KS2 Create Club, KS2 Multisports and Invasion Games (yr2 – 6).

Please return a reply slip and payment to the office as soon as possible if your child is still interested in taking part.

Reply Slips Autumn 23

Care Club Reminders

Please could I remind parents of a couple of points as we near the end of term –

  • If you have any unpaid invoices, please settle them before Tuesday 18th July.
  • If you need Care Club in the first week back in September (w/c Tuesday 5th Sept) please email with your requests before Thursday 20th July with the subject line ‘next term’. Please note that I will be unable to reply to emails during the holidays.
  • There are NO after-school clubs next week.

Any questions please email

Many thanks

Stephanie Boxall

New Reception Intake Visit

On Tuesday, we welcomed the new reception intake for September, into school. They will be visiting every Tuesday afternoon until the end of term.


Club Spaces

There are still places available in the after school clubs – it is not too late to join in!

Yr 2-6 Dance on Monday

KS2 Art on Wednesday (only 1 place!)

KS1 Multisports on Thursday

Yr 2-6 Invasion Games on Friday (only 2 places!)

Email for more info or drop payment into the school office this week (£30 for the term, Art Club £36) cheques made out to Shropshire Council.

Don’t miss out!