
Fireflies Class

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Mrs Fox
Fireflies' Class Teacher
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Jennie Lister
Fireflies' Class Teacher

Welcome to Fireflies Class

Welcome to Fireflies!

Class Teacher’s email address: fireflies@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk

This year there are 10 Reception children and  7 Year 1’s in our class. We are taught by Mrs Fox Monday to Thursday and by Mrs Lister on a Friday.

We will be supported in class by Mrs Rollings, Mrs Robinson and Miss Burton.

This year our topics are:

Autumn term: Amazing Me

Spring term: Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Summer term: African Wilderness

Please see the link below for further information about the learning that will be taking place in Fireflies this term

We have 4 Golden Rules in Fireflies:

  1. We always try our best!

  2. Be kind and helpful.

  3. Be a good learner.

  4. We keep the classroom clean and tidy.

Termly information planes trains and automobiles– Please click the link to see what we are learning in Fireflies this term.

Bags and Belongings:

The children will need only one bag for their belongings which will left in their cubby hole. Children will bring their reading records and water bottles into class. Please ensure that your child has their reading record in school every day. Reading books will be changed every Monday.

Children must bring a waterproof coat with them everyday. They will be going out to play even if it is raining.

PE sessions are on a Monday and Friday afternoon, as PE sessions will be outside, please ensure your child has adequate warm clothing (school P.E tracksuit top with logo and dark tracksuit trousers) and trainers.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to email me at:


Many thanks


Links to Online Resources



Curriculum Planning

Fireflies Curriculum Map
Fireflies Detailed Curriculum Map


Our phonics teaching throughout the school follows the DfE accredited ‘Twinkl’ scheme  of synthetic phonics. Click below to find out how to help your child with pronouncing letter sounds correctly:

How to Say the Letter Sounds.

Our early readers books are phonic based to reinforce the sounds the children have learnt in school. The ‘Twinkl’ books are based on current phonics knowledge and are used to support fluency in reading. We also  include a range of published schemed books (Oxford Reading Tree, Project X, Collins Big Cat, Ginn, Story Chest and Phonics Bug). We ask you to read the ‘Twinkl’ book before moving onto the other books. Children have regular guided reading sessions in their class to build on early reading comprehension and phonics skills. Reading daily at home has a significant impact on your child’s progress in reading.

Useful Information for Parents

Please click here to find some useful information regarding your child starting school:

Starting School

Find out how to help your child learn to read here:

Help Your Child Read

Help Your Child Read Presentation

Find out how to help support your child with their maths learning here:

Help your child with maths

Year 1 Calculation Policy


Class Showcase
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School Nativity – ’24
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Ditton Priors History Group Visit To Fireflies
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Beach Party Reminder

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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School Nativity – ’24
news image
Ditton Priors History Group Visit To Fireflies
news image
Beach Party Reminder
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.