Fireflies Trip to The Sealife Centre

Fireflies had a fantastic time on their trip to the Sealife Centre, as part of their science work on sea creatures. They saw lots of amazing creatures including turtles, sharks, clown fish, otters and penguins. 

Animal Man Visit

On Monday, Fireflies and Grasshoppers were treated to a visit from the animal man.

They learnt a lot about different types of insects and animals which linked in with their science and topic work from last term. The children were taught many interesting facts about the animals and insects brought into school. They even got the opportunity to stroke and handle some of them, including hedgehogs, toads, snakes and scorpions!



New Reception Intake Visit

On Tuesday, we welcomed the new reception intake for September, into school. They will be visiting every Tuesday afternoon until the end of term.


Observational Drawings

Fireflies have been learning about the skill of Observational drawing, ‘drawing what you see.’ They have also studied the artwork of Bill Patterson and Art Fitzpatrick who are artists,famous for their drawings of automobiles.

Today Fireflies had the opportunity to put all the things they have learnt into practise. They had the extra special treat of drawing an Austin 7 which was kindly brought into school by Mr Richard Parry.

The children produced some fantastic pieces of artwork. Please take a look at the pictures below.

Christmas Wishes From Fireflies

Dear parents,

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!                                                               Best wishes for the New Year.

Fireflies 🙂


In art, Fireflies have been learning the skills to create a self-portrait. They have used and developed their observational skills and explored mixing colours to create skin and lip tone.

They have also enjoyed looking at self-portraits by Van Gogh, Picasso and Kahlo. They have discussed the similarities and differences between the artist’s self-portraits and compared the portraits to their own artwork.

The work is up on display and the children are very proud of their achievements.

Beach Party Fun

Fireflies and Grasshoppers had a fun filled beach party this morning. The children were fantastic and played brilliantly with one another. There was so much collaboration, support and sharing. It was a real pleasure to watch. Then this afternoon we had our special treat…ice cream! It was certainly the right sort of weather for an ice cream.

Ice cream Van- Monday18th July

As part of their end of term treat, Laura’s ice cream is coming into school for Fireflies and Grasshoppers. Laura will also be around at the end of the day, should other children like to purchase an ice cream.

Many thanks,




Trainers Tomorrow.

Please could all Fireflies come into school in their trainers (no PE kit) tomorrow. We are going to practise our races for sports day.

Many thanks

Nicky Fox

September Reception Intake -Visits to School

As part of the induction process, the new reception children have been invited into school for the last 6 weeks of term. This helps them to familiarize themselves with the school and the staff they will be working with, in preparation for when they start school in September.



Before we broke up for half term, Fireflies had been learning how to write a postcard about  a seaside holiday,

To really bring their learning to life, the children were asked to send a postcard to the class, during the half term break.

The children really enjoyed sharing their postcards. They were all so excited to receive them! It sounds like they all had a lovely time.

Dental Hygiene

This morning Fireflies and Grasshoppers were treated to a special assembly all about looking after their teeth. They also met Derek the Dragon who showed them how to clean their teeth properly.

Termly Information

This term our topic is ‘On the Beach.’ Please visit the Fireflies’ information page, (on the school website) to find out what we shall be learning this term.

Many thanks

N Fox



In art, Fireflies have been learning about continuous line drawings. They have applied their newly learnt skills, to replicate the famous sunflowers paintings by Vincent Van Gogh.

The children also experimented with different ways of adding texture to paint. They added salt, flour and oats to the paint to give different textures. The children then applied the different textures of paint to their artwork.

The results were fantastic!

Remote Learning Friday 18th February 2022

Good morning Fireflies,

Mrs Morris has sent some work for you to complete today. Please see the work set out below. There is separate work for Reception and Year 1’s.

Please send any completed work to

Have a lovely day. I hope the high winds do not cause you too much disruption.

Stay safe,


Reception Children:

Year 1’s:



Links to resources:




Charles Darwin Morning

Fireflies have had a fun filled morning learning all about Charles Darwin.

They learnt about Charles Darwin’s early life, and his 5 year journey on HMS Beagle, around the Galápagos Islands. They then became explorers; discovering some of the different species of animals that Charles Darwin collected during his voyage. This is a great starting point for our history work.


Charles Darwin Workshop

We are excited to say that we have organised a Charles Darwin Workshop for Fireflies on Wednesday 2nd February. Please find attached a letter with further information.

Many thanks,


Charles Darwin Workshop


Healthy Eating

Fireflies have been learning about healthy eating and the importance of a balanced diet.

The children have learnt all about different types of healthy food. They also enjoyed tasting a range of different fruits and vegetables.


Fireflies’ Nativity 2021

The children in Fireflies have enjoyed learning about ‘The First Christmas.’ We have put together a simple version of  the Nativity (with a few current day anecdotes.) We have been extremely impressed with the children’s motivation and perseverance. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as they did!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!

Mrs Fox



Reception- Phonics- How to Pronounce Pure Sounds

Good evening,

I have attached a video to support parents when reading with their child at home. The video demonstrates how we teach children to say the ‘pure’ sounds in school. I hope you find it useful.

Kind regards,


Fireflies Homework

As we approach the time of year where children are going to need their coats, please could I ask parents to teach their children how to put their coats on independently.

Many thanks,

Nicky Fox

Fireflies PE- Change of Day

Please note that Fireflies will only need to come into school in their PE kit on a Wednesday and Friday. Please come into school in uniform on a Monday.

Fireflies Class Information

Welcome to Fireflies!

We hope you all had a lovely Summer break and are feeling refreshed and looking forward to starting school.

This term our topic is Sensational Structures. To find out about the learning that will be taking place this term, please visit the Fireflies information page ( just click on Classes>Fireflies>Information.) You will also find lots of useful links on the page that will help you to support your child’s learning at home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on

We are really looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your break!







African Day

As an end of term treat, Class 1 have had an African themed day which has linked in with our topic work about Africa.

The children have enjoyed creating their own African sunset picture, making beaded bracelets and binoculars, African dancing, drumming and going on their own Safari in search of African animals.

Writing to the New September Intake

This week the children have been writing to the children at Little Explorers who will be starting school in September. They have told them all about school life. The children have been extremely motivated in their writing. They were very excited to think that all their friends at pre-school would read their letters.

Learning about Kenya 🇰🇪

As part of our topic work on Africa, Class 1 children have learning about the country of Kenya. They have learnt about the landscape of Kenya and compared village life in Kenya to life in Ditton Priors. To help the children understand the physical features of Kenya, the children have worked together to create and label their own 3D maps of Kenya. Some of the children have been so enthused by their work, they have even been creating their own maps at home.
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