Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day


Friends are so important – have a quiet moment now and try and imagine what life would be like without a friend.  How would you feel?  Now think about all the many friends that you have and how they make you feel?  How can you show your friends that you are thinking about them, that you still care about them even though you can’t see them?

If you decide that you wish to share a message, via email, photograph or video  to your school friends on the school website, then please ask your parents to email them to and we will share your messages on school news.  It is so important that we maintain contact and stay connected with our friends in these difficult times.

Enjoy singing along with this song from Out of the Ark – Seeds of friendship

Seeds of Friendship Lyrics

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
We thank you for our friends and for the happy times that we share with them.
Help us to be a good friend to them.
During this time when we can’t play with our friends,
Please help us to find creative ways to keep in touch.
Thank you that you are our friend and will be with us always.

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