Wraparound Care Bookings

As of next week, we are changing the length of time in which wraparound “careclub” bookings can be made. These can now be made up until the end of a half term in advance.

As of next half term, we will be moving all payments for “careclub” onto Parent Pay (the same as school dinners – please ensure you click on wraparound care). If you would like to start this from any point now, you can do so.

All bookings for careclub will still need to be made (and confirmed) via emailing careclub@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk.


We are looking at simplifying payments for all after-school club and schools trips so that they can also be paid in the same way.

Pupil Premium – How to apply

Just an annual reminder regarding Pupil Premium.


Pupil Premium is funding that schools receive for children that qualify for free-school meals (note: this is NOT the same thing as Universal Infant Free School Meals¹).


In the upcoming year, we will be using part of the Pupil Premium funding to enable parents (of FSM – not UIFSM¹) to receive the following:

  • 50% reduction in cost for…
    • After-school clubs
    • Wraparound club (before and after school)
    • Residential Trips
  • Upon request, a reduction in cost for…
    • Individual/group music lessons
    • School uniform

The funding is also used in various other ways to help children in a range of way. Further information can be found over on our Pupil Premium information page


The criteria for successful application for FSM is as follows:

  •  You (or your partner) are receiving any of the following:
    • Universal credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
    • Income support
    • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
    • Income-related employment and support allowance
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The guarantee element of pension credit
    • Child tax credit (provided you’re not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
    • Working tax credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit

If you feel you may be eligible for FSM, then you can find further information on how to apply here (https://next.shropshire.gov.uk/free-school-meals/). If you have already applied and your circumstances have changed, you can re-apply.


¹Universal Infant free-school Meals (UIFSM) is the £2.53 Government funding per pupil per meal for ALL pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Pupils in these year groups can still apply for FSM – and receive the above, as well as continued funding of school meals into Year 3-6.

Uniform Update – September

I have been in touch with Lads and Lasses – and they have informed me that the restock of hoodies has arrived today, and the outstanding orders will be sent out by the end of the week.


As per the previous post (https://browncleeschool.org.uk/school-uniform-2/), if you don’t have uniform by the start of term, then plain hoodie/t-shirt/sports top will be absolute fine until you do.


I will be meeting with them (once the term starts) to discuss things moving forward.

School Uniform – September

It has just come to our attention that there have been some supply issues with our uniform for this year. We will be contacting Lads and Lasses about this.


In the meantime, if your child(ren) does not have the correct uniform by next week, they can come to school in plain t-shirt/hoody/sports top/jumper until the uniform does arrive.


On a similar note, if any parents have any uniform that no longer fit their child(ren), FOBCS will be setting up a second-hand uniform “shop” and will happily take any donated uniform.

Summer Reading Challenge – Shropshire Library Service

Today we had a visit by Emma from Bridgnorth Library and she told the children about the Summer Reading Challenge that is taking place at all the libraries in Shropshire starting this Saturday.  Bridgnorth Library are also holding many other events over the summer holidays and the poster below gives more details.

SRC Events Leaflet 2024

Create Club – Full!

There are no more places for Create Club next term – those who have already sent in payment will get a receipt if they have got a place.

Apologies to those who have missed out this time.

Care Club/Activity Clubs

A couple of reminders:

There are no activity clubs running next week (15th- 19th July).

Please email careclub@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk with care club bookings for the first week back in September, using the subject September.

Finally, please settle any outstanding care club invoices before the 19th July.

Thank you

Steph Boxall

Leavers’ Service – Thursday 18th July

As shared earlier in the term, our Leavers’ Service is to take place at St. John’s the Baptist Church in Ditton Priors next Thursday to begin at 13:45.


Although this service is primarily aimed at parents and carers of Year 6 pupils, all parents, carers and governors are invited to attend. The service will be led by Reverend Joe and will involve songs sang by the whole school, some individual music performances by some of our Year 6 pupils, some memories and prayers shared by our Year 6 pupils – as well as a presentation of the Year 6s too.


Year 6 pupils and their parents/carers are invited to remain behind at church after the service where Joe and his team have kindly offered to provide refreshments.

Celebration Assembly Thursday 11th July and 18th July- cancelled

As you may have realised, Celebration Assembly tomorrow has been cancelled due to Parents Evening for Years 1 to 6 being held.

Also, as we will be holding the Leaver’s Church Service next Thursday afternoon, the final celebration assembly of the academic year is also cancelled.

Invasion Games correction

There was a mistake on the letter that went out last Friday – Next term’s Invasion Games club on Fridays is running for six weeks as there is a PD day on the final Friday before half term. The correct amount is £30.00 for the term. If you have already sent in payment, credit will be given for the following term.

Any questions, please email careclub@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk


Stephanie Boxall

Sports Day – Teams

Last week, your child was given a slip explaining which team they will be in for Sports Day – which they should have given to yourselves

Ideally, they should wear the colour of their team. A t-shirt of that colour would be best; however, something smaller or just their normal Brown Clee uniform would be absolutely fine too!

KS2 Performance – additional tickets – Wednesday 17th July at 1.30pm

As everyone has now had a chance to order their tickets for the KS2 performances, we are able to offer additional tickets for the daytime performance on Wednesday 17th July (all tickets for the evening performance have been sold).  If you would like to purchase additional tickets please contact the school office.

Sports Day and lunches

Sports Day is planned to go ahead on Wednesday and as we are planning a picnic lunch, the school lunches provided will be a sandwich.  If you have booked a lunch for your child, please could you log onto ParentPay today to either cancel this or amend it to a ham or cheese sandwich.

Raffle tickets

Please could you return all raffle ticket books to school tomorrow (sold and unsold).  Thank you to everyone who has returned their raffle tickets and also to those who have taken extra books to sell.

UPDATED: Parent Feedback Session Links

The links for the parent feedback session have been updated. Here are the updated links:







We had a technical error (meaning any booking was taking up that particular slot for all classes). This has now been fixed. The original links have been closed. If you made a booking before these links were closed, then this has been transferred over to the new booking link – so you do not need to do anything.


Another thing is that Fireflies parent feedback sessions are just for Year 1 pupils. Parents of reception children will receive a end-of-year report this term. Apologies that this was not communicated initially.

Parent Feedback Meetings – Links

As communicated previously, we are exploring an online booking system for our Parent Feedback Meetings. To book a meeting with your child(ren)’s class teacher(s), please follow the relevant link(s):








Please note: all meetings take place on 11th July – except Scorpions, which are being held on various different dates. Some additional dates/times are now available for Scorpions.

Upcoming End-of-year Dates

As usual, the end-of-year schedule is packed with different events. Here is a quick update/summary of what is coming up (and when):


Date Event Location / Time
28.06.24 Non-uniform Day Brown Clee School
All Day
29.06.24 Summer Fair Brown Clee School
12:00 – 15:00
01.07.24 – 02.07.24 Secondary School transition Days (varies per school) Secondary Schools
All Day
02.07.24 Fireflies – Sealife Visit Sea Life Centre / All Day
03.07.24 Sports Day Brown Clee School
10:00 – 15:00
Lunch on field at 12:00
08.07.24 New Starters’ Meeting Brown Clee School / 13:00 – 13:45
10.07.24 Headteacher Inteviews Brown Clee School / All Day
11.07.24 Parent Feedback Sessions
(Fireflies, Grasshoppers, Dragonflies, Bees)
Brown Clee School

13:00 – 18:00

15.07.24 Grasshoppers Visit (Enginuity) Enginuity, Telford
All day



KS2 Performances



Brown Clee School

18:00 – 19:30

13:30 – 15:00

17.07.24 EYFS and KS1 Beach Afternoon Brown Clee School  / 13:00 – 15:00
18.07.24 Leavers’ Service St. John the Baptist Church

13:45 – 14:45

Non-uniform day – 28.06.24

As you may be aware, Tamsyn is raising money for the Little Princess Trust.


We will be having a non-uniform day on 28/06/24 to help raise some further funds for this.


All children can come in non-uniform for this day – and, if you would like to make a donation, then please send some money in with your child.

Summer Fair – Raffle Tickets

We have now received the raffle tickets for the draw which will take place at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June here at school.  We are sending a book of tickets home with the children.   Please return any tickets sold with the money to the school office and also if you do not want any tickets, please could you return the book to school.

Parent-Feedback Meetings

We will be holding our parent-feedback meetings this term.


We will be trialling an online booking system (Calendly) for these.


For Scorpions, you can choose across a number of days/times between now and the end of term. The link for these can be found here: https://calendly.com/admin-brownclee/scorpions-parent-feedback-meeting-24.


For the rest of the classes, these meetings will take place between 13:00 and 18:00 on Thursday 11th July. The links for booking a time for these will be emailed out next week.

Ofsted Report Published!

Following our inspection carried out by Ofsted on 8th May, our final report was published yesterday. We are delighted to announce that the school remains to be considered a good school – with the inspectors particularly recognising the atmosphere of togetherness that permeates throughout the school, the pride the children have in attending Brown Clee and the appeciation that they have for the way in which they are cared for.


This inspection was an “ungraded inspection” – which means that it would not have resulted in individual graded judgements but focused on determining whether the school remained the same grade as at the school’s previous graded inspection (Sept 2014). If the inspectorate team had any significant concerns during this inspections, they would have either turned the inspection into an immediate 2-day graded inspection or would have come back in 1 to 2 years time to carry out out a full 2-day graded inspection. See further information on graded and ungraded inspections. They were, however, very pleased with what they saw, and their next visit will likely be in around 4 years’ time.


If you would like to see the full details of the report (or see any previous reports), they can be found here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/123532

Summer Fair & Table Top Sale – Saturday 29th June – 12pm to 3pm

Please see the attached poster giving more information on the Summer Fair being held on Saturday 29th June between 12pm and 3pm here at Brown Clee School.  The Fair will raise funds for Friends of Brown Clee School (FOBCS) and Little Explorers Preschool.  There will be lots of things to enjoy including tombolas, cakes stall, bbq and much more along with a raffle.  Raffle tickets will shortly be available from the school office and also from Little Explorers.  If you would like to make a donation for the tombola or anything else, please bring these to the school office.  Many thanks in advance for your support for this fundraising event.

New Class Teacher

Following our information regarding class organisation last half term, we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Mrs. Alice Parker as a class teacher. The initial plan was for Mrs. Parker to be teaching in Scorpions from September (with Mr. Harley teaching Scorpions for one day a week); however, as Mrs. Parker is currently available, she will be teaching Scorpions Tues – Fri each week beginning from next week. Mr. Harley will be teaching Scorpions on Mondays (as well as P.E. with Year 5/6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays).