Latest FOBCS News

FOBCS have asked us to share all their latest news with you –

Please like our Facebook page “Friends of Brown Clee School” to be kept up to date on what we’re doing to raise money for school, and how you can help.
Whatsapp Group
If you would like to join our FOBCS Whatsapp group to be kept up to date on what we’re doing and how you can help at events, if you are unable to come to our meetings, please complete this form-
Asda Cashpot for Schools
Cashpot for schools closed at the end of November and with your help, we easily raised approximately £74 for FOBCS. Thank you!
School Recipe Books
Having initially sold out, we now have more recipe books. Please let us know if you would like to place an order. They’re £6 each and the money can be left at school reception.
We have joined Easyfundraising and hope you can support our cause by shopping through them. Click on the QR code below to get started.
How it works

We turn your daily shopping into every day magic!

Easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

Brands pay us a commission because when you start your shop from the Easyfundraising website or app, they can see we sent you to them. If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and we turn that into a donation – magic!

Inline image

Gift Amnesty
If you have any unwanted gifts or vouchers, that would suit a tombola, and you would be happy to gift them to school, please bring them in. We would be grateful for anything you can donate (un-opened/unused) including non-perishable food and drink. Thank you!
Coming this term…..
-School movie nights
-Working day – a school grounds spring clean!
-Easter egg hunt
-Tech amnesty
-Friday tuck shop
-Year 6 leavers hoodies
Thank your for supporting FOBCS to support the school and children.

Important dates for after half term

Known Dates

Thursday 6th March
– World Book Day
(we will be doing a similar thing to last year but details will be shared closer to the time)

Friday 21st March
– Comic Relief
(we will be doing a similar thing to last year but details will be shared closer to the time)

Tuesday 1st April
– First day catering will officially be manage by ourselves

Friday 11th April
– Last day of term & mid-year reports out (excluding Reception)


Unknown Dates (but will be during next half term – dates shared soon)

  • Parent/carer feedback sessions for parents/carers of Reception pupils



Gymnastics Mats – Available

We have a small number of gymnastics mats that have recently failed our annual sports equipment inspection.

Whilst not practical for use in school, these mats are still in reasonably okay condition – some minor tears to the surfaces, edges or corners – and, rather than these be disposed of, they could potentially be useable at home.


If anyone would like a (6ft x 4ft) gymnastic mat, please get in touch ( to arrange collection. All we would ask for would be a small donation to FOBCS.

I.T. Recycling Project

We have created a partnership with Shropshire IT Recycling (a recycling project service) that collect and recycle a wide range of IT-related hardware – including…


This service will not only ensure data is securely removed from devices and provide an eco-friendly way to dispose of electronics; depending on the usability of the hardware sent in, school/FOBCS will receive a payment from Shropshire IT Recycling for each item sent in.


If you would like to send in any electronic devices to be recycled, please email, and we can send a bag home with your child. You can then place electronic devices within this and return back to school.


If you have items larger than will fit in the bag, please let us know, and we can see whether it is something we can work with.


For information on how to prepare your device for recycling, please see below: How Do I Prepare My Mobile Phone or Tablet device for Recycling v 3

Staying Safe Online – Weekly Post – 29.01.25

In the growing digital age, it is important that we all stay safe.


To help share thoughts, ideas and information, we will be doing a weekly post on staying safe when working online, mental health and wellbeing. These will be short posts with a snapshot of information about staying safe online. For those wanting more information, we do have a vast range of information within the e-safety section on our website (


Here is this week’s post: Tiktok




Catering Update

Just an update on the situation regarding catering (following on from the information shared at the beginning of term).


We have taken the decision to take the existing catering team in-house – and, therefore, Laura and Carla will employed directly by school. This has been a long and thought-out decision; however, we ultimately feel the decision is one which comes with huge benefits and very few disadvantages.


This move will hopefully enable us…

  • …to keep school meals at £2.83 despite the rise in food and staff costs (remaining with our externally managed company would have resulted in meal prices of £3.20);
  • …more flexibility and control of menus – including pupil involvement with this;
  • …more opportunities for unique meal days/events;
  • …to increase the quality of meals;
  • …to increase the range of choices each day;
  • …to potentially introduce free taster/sample days;
  • all alongside a whole host of other benefits.

The official date for the changeover is 1st April; however, the potential positive changes won’t necessarily be introduced all immediately.


In the build-up to this, we would like to involved pupils and parents/carers as much as possible to gain ideas of what sorts of things will be most appreciated (if possible!). Children (via the school council) have already been involved in this – and will continued to be so. We will sent out some surveys for parents/carers between now and then to gauge some feedback from yourselves.


We will also keep you updated between now and then.

Safer Internet Day – Free Training for Parents

West Mercia Police are hosting a free 1-hour online safety session via Microsoft Teams for all parents and carers across Shropshire on 11th February which is Safer Internet Day.  This will cover topics such as dangerous apps, the rise off AI, sextortion and more.  Further information and details of how to book can be found on the attached poster.

Safer Internet Day Flyer with eventbrite link

Spaces still left on after school clubs

Spaces are still available on the following clubs

As at 20/01/25

Monday Board Games All classes
Tuesday Textiles Bees & Scorpions
Tuesday Athletics D/F, Bees & Scorpions
Wednesday Yoga for relaxation All classes
Wednesday Tennis / Badminton D/F, Bees & Scorpions
Thursday Lego All classes
Friday Multi sports / Invasion games All classes



Please contact Mrs Godfrey

Safer Schools Survey

Brown Clee has been part of the Safer Schools initiative for a number of years. This is unfortunately ending this year, but we will be looking at continuing it in our own capacity.


Ahead of the final meeting, the safer schools team have asked if we can share the following form: for parents/carers to fill in.

School of Rock Tribute Band at Ditton Priors Village Hall – 8th February 2025

Garry Aulton (Chairman of the Village Hall) has asked us to share the following message and poster –
“Very excited to announce that this is happening! Only £6 per ticket and we want to fill it full of families! Come and watch these amazing young musicians! Tickets are available on line at the link on the poster, or just scan the QR code and also available at Ditton Priors Post office and Parkers Garage!  We are trying something different so please get behind this and support it, the band are amazing! There will be a licenced bar and snacks!
I have attached the poster, it would be great if the village could support this as the band are absolutely amazing and all the children are aged 11-16 and grade 7 musicians.
We have only got 80 tickets available and want to fill it full of families, it would be great for the kids to see what can be done with hard work and dedication when learning to play a musical instrument
Let me know your thoughts.

Special Menu – Thursday 16th January

As it is School Spring Census next Thursday, Edwards & Ward are providing a special menu of Chicken or Quorn Dippers with a choice of dip with chips and veg of the day.  As we are unable to amend the menu in ParentPay, if your child would like the Chicken Dippers please select Chicken Korma and if they would like the Quorn Dippers please select Quorn Dippers.  Laura and Carla will still be providing Jacket Potatoes and a choice of ham or cheese sandwiches.

Kids Choice Menu 160125

Welcome Back – Tuesday 7th January 2025

Welcome Back Letter (Jan) – PDF Version


We hope everyone has had a great Christmas and New Year – and everyone is looking forward to another great term. Here is some information that we thought would be useful ahead of the new term.

Wraparound Care: After-school Clubs and Careclub

Last term, we made a number of changes to extend our wraparound care provision (care for children before or after school).

Careclub can be accessed earlier before school (7:30am-08:45am) and later after school (3:15pm-6:00pm). If you wish to book your child into Care Club, please email Mrs. Godfrey ( You will then be asked to pay for this via Parent Pay – unless paying via the tax-free childcare payment system. The current cost is £1.50 for every 15 minutes. Please note you can book your child into Care Club up to a term in advance.

Last term, we did have a number of cancellation and/or children arriving later than their booked time. In these cases, we would really appreciate an email/phone call to let us know this will be the case – as, at times, we have had staff in school with no-one present. Unfortunately, we may have to look at charging based on booked times in the future – as this kind of thing does have a wider impact on the school budget.

We now have a wider range of after-school clubs available – with two clubs running every day after school. Further information on next term’s clubs can be found on the school website ( Please note that booking for after-school clubs now takes place via Parent Pay. Information on how to do this can be found using the link above.

Start of the day and buses

Our start-the-day routine will be remaining the same. However, last term, there was an increase in late arrivals. Whilst these are usually only by a few minutes, it does have a noticeable impact on those children regularly affected. Lessons do start at 08:45 and any arrival later than that mean children will miss out. In Fireflies and Grasshoppers, this is Phonics, and in Dragonflies, Bees and Scorpions, this is the beginning of their maths lessons – so missing the beginning of these sessions does have a significant impact.

On a similar theme, a number of parents have raised concerns about the timing of the buses being affected by drivers having to regularly wait for children to be at their designated pick-up location/time in the morning and parents being there to pick their child up in the afternoon. Whilst understandably, this very occasionally may be unavoidable, it naturally does have a knock-on effect to all the other families on pick-up and drop-off.

Celebration Assembly

Just a reminder that all parents, carers, grandparents etc. are invited to attend our weekly celebration assembly (Friday mornings at 08:55-09:30). Here we give out any certificates for children for activities on TTRS, Numbots and Spelling Shed – as well as present our weekly trophy to the highest class on TTRS. We also share some of our favourite things from the week, celebrate any pupils that have received recognition awards, share any other significant events (e.g. sports competitions) and draw our winning reading raffle tickets.

School Meals – Update

I would like to update you on some ongoing concerns we have had with our external catering company. As you may be aware, the school’s catering has been externally managed for a number of years.

We are lucky to have two excellent cooks in Laura and Carla – without whom, the quality of school dinners would much poorer than they are due to the limitations on menus and orders placed on them. The school are now having significant additional charges placed on us to continue this service (which takes funds from the budget that could be spent directly on the children).

As a background, our current service was outsourced to Entrust – who initially subcontracted this out Chartwells and then to Edwards and Ward. Over this time, we have had significant increases in school meal costs. The latest of which (last April) was not actually shared with school, so has meant that school has had to cover the difference in cost since then. School dinners should currently be costing parents £2.95 (currently, we are charging yourselves £2.83). Entrust are planning on raising this again in April to £3.20. This, along with the additionally incurred costs to school and ongoing restrictions with menus, means that we are having to consider ending this agreement – as I cannot, in good conscience, be asking yourselves for that much of an increase on school meals.

The current proposed plan of action is for school to take the catering in-house and managing the service ourselves from April this year. This is something that a number of Shropshire schools do (and we have discussed, visited and assessed with them). For us, the catering team (of Laura and Carla) would remain the same. We will hopefully be able to keep our meal prices at the same £2.83 cost. It will also give us more flexibility and control over the quality and selection of menus – which will hopefully enable an increased uptake. All regulations on nutrition, training and health and safety will be maintained.

In the period between now and then (i.e. this term), school meals will continue to free for all of infants (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) as shared earlier this year ( and meals will remain at £2.83 (with school continuing to cover the difference) for children in KS2 (Year 3-6). We will endeavour to keep you updated on how things progress.

On the topic of school meals, can we please ensure that meals are booked and paid for via ParentPay in advance (where possible). Late-booked or un-booked meals (whilst sometimes unavoidable) do cause a lot of additional admin work in school and the kitchen.

School Website updates

As always, key information and dates are regularly updated on the school website. To receive automated email updates from the school website, you can sign up here (

Currently, there are no proposed events (other than sports competitions) in this first-half term; however, any changes in this will be shared on the website – as well as an update on events due after half term.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact your class teacher on their class email or the school office (

Spring Term Menu – first half term

The Spring Term menu up until February half term is now live on ParentPay to enable you to book your child’s meals up until then.  Please don’t forget that there is a 48 hour embargo on booking meals meaning that the last opportunity to book them is 2 days before the meal is taken.  If you do forget or need to book a meal due to unforeseen circumstances, please e-mail the school office where we will be able to book this for you up and including the day of the meal.  There is a link below to ParentPay


After-School Clubs for Spring Half Term

Noticeboard poster Spring Term 1 – 2025

Please note that after-school clubs will now need to be booked and paid for on ParentPay.


To so, please click the yellow box “Pay for other items”:

This will open up all the available options to pay:


Care club bookings should be being paid this way (unless using the tax-free childcare payment system).

Christmas Tree Auction – FOBCS Fundraising

Those of you that have been in school over the last few weeks will have seen our Christmas tree:


To raise further funds for FOBCS, we are planning on auctioning off the tree (as was done in the past). To place a bid for the tree, please fill in the following Microsoft Form:


Please bear in mind that the tree is around 15-20ft high – so we completely understand if we don’t get any bids!


We will announce the highest bid at the end of each day – and the final winner at 16:30 on Friday.

Church Christmas Service – Wednesday 18th December

We will be holding our Christmas Service in St John the Baptist Church next Wednesday 18th December at 2.15pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us.

Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 18th December

Laura and Carla will be serving Christmas Dinner for the children next Wednesday 18th December, the menu is below.  As we are unable to change the menu in ParentPay, if your child would like Roast Turkey click on Roast of the Day and if they would prefer the Quorn Roast click on Loaded Yorkshire.  There will also be Jacket Potatoes available.

The children can also wear their own clothes/something ‘Christmassy’ that day.

Christmas dinner menu

Reception children Vision Screening – 18th December

The School Vision Screening Team will be in school on Wednesday 18th December to carry out vision screening for the Reception children.  If you are happy for your child to be screened you do not need to take any action.  However, if you do not want your child screened you must complete the Opt out form attached and return it to the school office.  If you require a paper copy, please contact the school office.

Letter + OPT OUT Reception Class 24 25

Nasal Flu Immunisation – 17th December – all year groups

The Shropshire Community Health School Nursing Team will be in school on Tuesday 17th December to deliver the Nasal Flu immunisation.  The consent or non consent which you completed for the previously planned visit in October will still stand.  You can consent online, please follow the link in the original letter below.  Also below is a consent form.  If you would like a paper copy, please contact the school office.

If you are unsure whether you have completed this previously, again please contact the school office who will be able to look this up for you.

Flu Consent 2024-2025

Brown Clee CofE Primary School – Nasal flu immunisation

Christmas Carols – Monday 2nd December

Don’t forget our Carol singing next Monday 5.30pm to 6.30pm, everyone is welcome.

FOBCS will be providing refreshments for a small donation.

HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) Christmas Holiday Activities

Please see information below regarding the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) winter holiday fun activities which will be taking place over the Christmas Holidays for primary children from Reception to Year 6.  If your child is in receipt of Benefit related Free School Meals they can take part in these activities free of charge (you will have received an e-mail from school with the unique code you will need to quote when booking).

Many of these activities also have paid spaces available for those not eligible for HAF.

HAF WINTER 2024 Flyer_EMAIL HAF WINTER 2024 What’s On_web_Optimised

St John the Baptist, Ditton Priors Christingle Service

St John The Baptist Church, Ditton Priors will be holding their Christingle Service this coming Sunday 1st December at 4pm.  Everyone is welcome to join them.

Christingle 2024

FOBCS Recipe Book – Order forms

The order forms for the FOBCS recipe book were sent to classes on Friday.  Please could you return these to school as soon as possible to enable these to be ordered and delivered in time for Christmas.  There are spare copies in the school office if anyone would like one.

Nativity Costumes/Lines

Nativity Costumes 

We do have some nativity costumes in school but some of them are starting to look a little worn. If anyone has any old costumes that they are happy to donate to school, for future performances, we would be very grateful.

We will be sending home a slip next week so parents and carers know what costumes the children will need for our nativity performance.

Lines (KS1)

If your child has brought home lines to learn for their part in the nativity, please can you support them at home to learn their lines and deliver them with lots of volume!

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox



Parent-Feedback Sessions – Autumn ’24

As shared previously, our parent-feedback sessions are due to take place on Wednesday 4th December.


To book a time, please following the relevant links below.

(Please note that, if you have more than one child at school, you will need to book a time slot for each.)






No Celebration Assemblies – Next two Weeks

Unfortunately, there will be no celebration assembly this week (due to Mr. Harley being out on Friday) or next week (due to Arthog).


We will be resuming these on Friday 6th December.

Carol Singing – Monday 2nd December

On Monday 2nd December, we will be having carol singing after school at 5:30pm until 6:30pm.


Any members of the community are invited to attend.


FOBCS will be providing refreshments for a small donation.


Children do not have to all attend; however, we would like as many children as possible to be present to sing.