Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we reminded ourselves about the Zones of Regulation, and learnt about how there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ zone and that we all experience different emotions, such as frustration, sadness or anger, at times.  The important thing is learning to recognise these feelings, and then, more importantly how to manage them effectively so that we can behave appropriately – which in school means, being in a calm, positive state to learn in.

We also need to learn to identify which zone our friends are in and how to adapt our words and actions so that we can communicate and interact respectfully.

I thought it might be interesting to learn a bit about the science behind the importance of self-regulation – have a watch and think – there are lots of big words – but see what you learn from the video…

What did you think?   Does it help you now understand and appreciate why your teachers are using the “It’s Good to be Green” cards to help you learn from your mistakes?  Can you think of a time when you weren’t able to regulate your feelings, and if so, did anything negative happen as a result?  I wonder what would have happened if you could have regulated the ‘BIG’ feelings and managed to return to the Green Zone?

The important thing to remember – is that self-regulation is something that we can all learn to do – it is not something that we are born with.  We need to learn this skill just as much as we need to learn to read and write.

Have a quiet moment to reflect – think about what strategies or tools you could use to regulate your BIG feelings…..

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
You are all-seeing and all-knowing.
You see our actions and you know the attitude of our hearts.
Respect is a word that we often hear, but do not always fully understand.
Teach us how to earn the respect of those around us by doing what is good and right.
Help us to exercise the responsibility that comes with this respect,
And to treat people with kindness, fairness and honesty.

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