Good Morning Brown Clee!
This week we are continuing to think about Respect, and the different types of Respect…
- Respect for others
- Respect for yourself
- Respect for property and belongings
Yesterday we talked about Self Respect – and how it is important to be proud of who you are and be true to yourself – and I’d like to develop that further today.
Sometimes it can be difficult to be proud and happy with who you are – as other people might make fun of you, laugh at you for something you did, or they might say negative things that make you feel sad and down about yourself. All of these behaviours are unkind and unthoughtful.
Sometimes we can all say or do things that might hurt other people’s feelings – often without any intention, but from lack of thought. I wonder if you have ever stopped to think about the impact of your words or actions on your friends feelings and on their confidence? Have you ever laughed at a friend and made fun of them because they fell over? Or they made a mistake? How would you feel if someone laughed at you?
We are all human – and we all make mistakes – and we also all like to be liked and respected as this means that we have friends. The best way to make and keep friends is to say and do kind things to your friends – to treat them as you would wish to be treated. Have a watch of this video and discuss it afterwards – what important lesson did the boy learn?
The boy didn’t seem to be particularly happy playing his computer game – there was lots of frowning and scowling. He didn’t behave kindly and respectfully to the puppy and yet the puppy kept coming back to want to play. I think dogs are much more forgiving than humans – as would you want to play with someone who was mean and disrespectful to you?
So as you go through the day, and the weeks ahead, think about your actions and words – try making sure that they are kind and respectful and see what the result is with your friends.
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Please help me to be kind towards others.
Please help me to be helpful, considerate and sympathetic.
Even at difficult times, when I’m busy or tired, help me to respond to others in the way that I would like to be treated.
Help me to brighten up my friends’ day with a kind word or deed.