Good Morning Brown Clee!
I hope that you’ve all had a good weekend. Today I’d like to continue to think about empathy – as it is such a complex quality but one that can really make a difference. Last week we reflected on how empathy is very much linked to feelings – and we watched a video called “One Small Step” which showed a girl experiencing so many different feelings. This made me think – I wonder how many different feelings there are? Have you got any ideas?
Scientists believe that there are 6 core emotions –
- Anger
- Disgust
- Fear
- Happiness
- Sadness
- Surprise
But each of these can be subdivided into many more – this is what I have come up within a word cloud…
There are so many feelings! And that’s what makes it tricky – first we have to identify the feeling and then we have to understand it! Here’s a story called “You, Me and Empathy” – which helps to explain further how and why we need to learn how to show empathy.
We all experience feelings – all of the time – the challenge is for us to learn how to manage (or regulate) those feelings, but also to identify them in other people – so that we can show compassion and care. It’s not easy – but we can all learn!
So today try and be an Empathy Detective – how many different emotions can you spot – and how can you help?
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Help us to learn how to show empathy,
Help us to be aware of our feelings and those of others,
Guide us so that we can show care and understanding,
To help make this school and this world a happier and safer place.