Good Morning Brown Clee!
Yesterday I shared my list of ’10 things that I am grateful for’ and I asked you to think about what you would include on your list. We discussed this in school too, and some of the children’s responses were that they are grateful for: family, friends, pets, school and the world around us. We realised that we all have so much to be grateful for – things that can help us to stay positive even when things might be getting us down.
I have also thought of something else that I am grateful for – something that we kind of take for granted – light! I thought of this as I drove home and noticed that it is staying lighter for longer; a thought which brought with it thoughts of Spring and warmer weather, as the days get longer – a sense of hope and optimism.
Light is something that we often don’t think about – but imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have any? If it was dark all the time! Watch this short video produced by The Diocese of Hereford, where we are reminded of the importance of light, and how Jesus is often known as the Light of the World:-
In the Bible, in John 8:12 Jesus applies the title of light to himself: I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. … When I am in the world, I am the Light of the World.
So maybe as you go through the day – have a look around you and see what you can see because of there being light; look at the horizon and the local views and take a moment to think how fortunate we are that the light shines so brightly on this beautiful world.
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus, the light of the world.
May your light shine in our lives, showing us the things that we need to change.
May your light shine in the world, exposing the darkness of injustice and suffering.
May your light help us to love one another and to live in peace.