Published on: 13th September, 2024

Newsletter – 13.09.24


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School Filming

Next week (Tues/Weds), we have a film/video producer who is putting together an video of school – which will hopefully give a quick snapshot to current and future prospective parents/carers of what Brown Clee is “all about”. The filming will involve some high-up drone footage and action shots, filming inside and outside of the school building – as well as some interviews/conversations with children.


When all pupils started, parents/carers will have signed to give (or not) permission for photos/videos of their child to be used – and we will use this to ensure that any pupils without permission do not feature. For those that have given prior permission, if you do, for whatever reason, not wish your child(ren) to feature, please let school know by emailing ( Similarly, if you have not given permission when first registering and you wish for this to now change, please get in touch and we can update these records.

KS2 Swimming – Sept ’24

Please see below a letter regarding swimming in KS2 for this term.

Paper copies of the letter will be sent home with children on Monday.

Swimming Lessons – Sept 24

Wraparound Care Bookings

As of next week, we are changing the length of time in which wraparound “careclub” bookings can be made. These can now be made up until the end of a half term in advance.

As of next half term, we will be moving all payments for “careclub” onto Parent Pay (the same as school dinners – please ensure you click on wraparound care). If you would like to start this from any point now, you can do so.

All bookings for careclub will still need to be made (and confirmed) via emailing


We are looking at simplifying payments for all after-school club and schools trips so that they can also be paid in the same way.

Pupil Premium – How to apply

Just an annual reminder regarding Pupil Premium.


Pupil Premium is funding that schools receive for children that qualify for free-school meals (note: this is NOT the same thing as Universal Infant Free School Meals¹).


In the upcoming year, we will be using part of the Pupil Premium funding to enable parents (of FSM – not UIFSM¹) to receive the following:

  • 50% reduction in cost for…
    • After-school clubs
    • Wraparound club (before and after school)
    • Residential Trips
  • Upon request, a reduction in cost for…
    • Individual/group music lessons
    • School uniform

The funding is also used in various other ways to help children in a range of way. Further information can be found over on our Pupil Premium information page


The criteria for successful application for FSM is as follows:

  •  You (or your partner) are receiving any of the following:
    • Universal credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
    • Income support
    • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
    • Income-related employment and support allowance
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The guarantee element of pension credit
    • Child tax credit (provided you’re not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
    • Working tax credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit

If you feel you may be eligible for FSM, then you can find further information on how to apply here ( If you have already applied and your circumstances have changed, you can re-apply.


¹Universal Infant free-school Meals (UIFSM) is the £2.53 Government funding per pupil per meal for ALL pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Pupils in these year groups can still apply for FSM – and receive the above, as well as continued funding of school meals into Year 3-6.

Brown Clee Benefice Pew Sheet

Please find below the Brown Clee Benefice Pew sheet giving details of Church services within the Benefice and also other social events which are taking place.


Welcome Back Letter

Please see below a letter regarding the start of this year:

Welcome Back Letter (Sept)