Class 4 – Daily Activities – 28.04

Good morning. Before you check out today’s activities, here are yesterday’s answers.

If you missed a maths video/lesson or want to revisit something, here are the previous posts:
Daily Activities – 20.04
Daily Activities – 21.04
Daily Activities – 22.04
Daily Activities – 23.04
Daily Activities – 24.04
Daily Activities – 27.04

As always, you don’t have to do these activities at a set time or in a set order – that’s all up to you. Also, you don’t have to be doing work all day! Feel free to send in some pictures or videos of some of the other things you have been doing at home.


Spelling Shed

There will be 4 hive games today:

Game 1 (slightly easier) – 1:30pm – 668560
Game 2 (slightly harder) – 1:35pm – 919941
Game 3 (hard) – 1:40pm – 124600
Game 4 (v. hard) – 1:45pm – 223152

Miss Relph will only be joining some of our games each week from now on.


Early Bird Maths

This week, you will have something called a “Flashback 4” in each of your maths videos. These are similar to EBM and therefore I will only be including 5 EBM questions.


Year 5 maths:

Y5 maths video:

Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.


Y5 maths activity:

Y5 – Order-and-compare-decimals


Year 6 maths:


Y6 maths video:

Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.


Y6 maths activity:

Y6 – Ratio-and-proportion-problems


Extension – Bar Models:


Bars 1&2
Bars 3&4


Sentence / Fragment / Run-on

1.) The dog with black fur.
2.) Running slowly.
3.) Before he went shopping, he always let the dog out.
4.) In the middle of the darkest forest.
5.) The black cat was purring.
6.) The huge swimming pool with leaves in it.
7.) Slowly, he reached his arm into the box.
8.) The dog just bit me, my arm’s bleeding!
9.) I love pizza, it’s my favourite food!
10.) It’s time to go.



Here’s today’s chapter from Pax:

Daily Video

Here’s today’s animation:


and some questions to get you thinking:

1.) At the start of the video, what was the old man trying to do?
2.) When the man went to put the box outside, what was he worried about?
3.) What does the man do to try and get the mouse to eat the crumbs?
4.) What does the mouse do when the man goes to stroke him?
5.) At the end, what does the man do to make the mouse get closer to him?


Today’s writing task is to write 1 – 2 paragraphs predicting what would happen next in today’s daily video. Try to think carefully about what has happened in the video and what that makes you think could happen next.


You could either write this as a prediction (e.g. I think that….. because….) or you could write as short descriptive piece of writing (e.g. Slowly, the mouse crept further up the man’s shirt…)




Your music task also relates to today’s daily video (so, you may want to re-watch it – again).


Animations and films use music to create a particular atmosphere or mood. In this clip, the music changes several times. Your task is to choose 4 different points in the clip, write what atmosphere is created and a description of how the music creates this atmosphere.

e.g. When the mouse is about to get trapped in the box, there is a tense atmosphere. The music helps create this by slowing down and increasing the length of the notes.

Music Mark
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