
A few weeks ago, Year 5 and 6 took part in Level 2 Bikeability.


Each day mainly involved learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads – including, starting and stopping, passing stationary vehicles and negotiating junctions.


This started with some activities on school playground:

Non-uniform day – 28.06.24

As you may be aware, Tamsyn is raising money for the Little Princess Trust.


We will be having a non-uniform day on 28/06/24 to help raise some further funds for this.


All children can come in non-uniform for this day – and, if you would like to make a donation, then please send some money in with your child.

Parent-Feedback Meetings

We will be holding our parent-feedback meetings this term.


We will be trialling an online booking system (Calendly) for these.


For Scorpions, you can choose across a number of days/times between now and the end of term. The link for these can be found here:


For the rest of the classes, these meetings will take place between 13:00 and 18:00 on Thursday 11th July. The links for booking a time for these will be emailed out next week.


We currently have 18 eggs incubating in school.

The plan with these are that the children will first be able to have the chance over the next few weeks to see the eggs develop. If successful, we will be keep any hens as school chickens in the central island area at school. Some children will then have the opportunity to help in looking after them.

Ofsted Report Published!

Following our inspection carried out by Ofsted on 8th May, our final report was published yesterday. We are delighted to announce that the school remains to be considered a good school – with the inspectors particularly recognising the atmosphere of togetherness that permeates throughout the school, the pride the children have in attending Brown Clee and the appeciation that they have for the way in which they are cared for.


This inspection was an “ungraded inspection” – which means that it would not have resulted in individual graded judgements but focused on determining whether the school remained the same grade as at the school’s previous graded inspection (Sept 2014). If the inspectorate team had any significant concerns during this inspections, they would have either turned the inspection into an immediate 2-day graded inspection or would have come back in 1 to 2 years time to carry out out a full 2-day graded inspection. See further information on graded and ungraded inspections. They were, however, very pleased with what they saw, and their next visit will likely be in around 4 years’ time.


If you would like to see the full details of the report (or see any previous reports), they can be found here:

New Class Teacher

Following our information regarding class organisation last half term, we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Mrs. Alice Parker as a class teacher. The initial plan was for Mrs. Parker to be teaching in Scorpions from September (with Mr. Harley teaching Scorpions for one day a week); however, as Mrs. Parker is currently available, she will be teaching Scorpions Tues – Fri each week beginning from next week. Mr. Harley will be teaching Scorpions on Mondays (as well as P.E. with Year 5/6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Bikeability – this week

Just a quick reminder that Bikeability will be happening this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for Year 5/6.


They will need their bikes and helmets in school for all three of these days. If you would like their bikes to stay in school during this time, we can store them overnight in school.

Tamsyn’s Fundraising

Tamsyn is currently raising money for the Little Princess Trust.


“The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.

The charity is also one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in the UK.

The Little Princess Trust relies solely on the generosity of its wonderful supporters who help the charity give Hair and Hope to so many children and young people with cancer each year.

Tamsyn has decided to cut her long hair to send off to make a wig for a child that needs one and is fund raising to cover the cost of making the real hair wig for a child in need of one

Chill salon at 46 Whitburn street will be cutting it at 10am on Saturday 29th June if anyone wants to be there.”


If you would like to donate, please follow the following link.

Second-hand Uniform Scheme

We are beginning to set up a second-hand uniform scheme via our PTA (FOBCS).


If any parents have any second-hand uniform that they would like to donate, please bring these into school office, and we will start building a bank of uniform.


We will take old as well as the new active uniform.


More details on how to purchase second-hand uniform will become available once this has been fully set up.

Sports Day ’24 Information

As mentioned in a previous post (, Sports day will take place on 3rd July.


This year, the event will be slightly bigger than previous years – and will begin at 10:00am and finish at the end of the school day (15:15).


The morning will comprise of children competing in teams in a variety of different activities in rotating stations. We will then have lunch (where children and spectators can eat together). After lunch, there will be a series of different running races and presentation at the end. Spectators can attend any individual parts of the day – or the whole day.


More specific information for the children will come nearer the date.

U9s Football – Highley

See below information on an U9s football teams (girls or boys):

Celebration Assembly – Cancelled – 16.05.24

Unfortunately, there will not be a celebration assembly next Thursday (16.05.24)

Class News Email Updates

Following the requested feedback on communication (, a large number of you commented on the usefulness of the automated email subscription – which we will continue to use.


If you would like to receive an email when bulletin news is added relevant to your child’s class, then follow the following link Subscribe to our email newsletter and fill in the relevant information.


Once you have subscribed, you can update your information or unsubscribe using the links found at the bottom of any email received using this service. Image below as example.


The plan moving forward will be for general news (i.e. what’s going on in the classes) will remain using the automated email service.

Specific news and updates will also be posted on our Facebook page (

Key news from across the website will be collated to create a Newsletter (on an approximately weekly basis), this will be shared via the automated service and also Facebook page.

We are still exploring options of a texting service for more urgent messages

Orienteering Competition – Comer Woods

This Tuesday, we took part in an orienteering competition in Comer Woods, Dudmaston.

Three Brown Clee teams (12 children in total) took part, and there were 15 teams in total.

Congratulations to the A team – who finished in 5th place (with a time of 22mins 21secs), the B team – who finished 2nd (with a time of 16:53), and the C team – who finished 1st (with a time of 16:14)!

Handball Festival

Several Year 5s and 6s took part in a handball festival last week – where they got to try out the sport and play some competitive games against some other schools.

Congratulations to Sam and Josh who received medals for being great team members!

Important Dates this Term

Just a few important dates for the summer term:

  • Class Photo Day: 02/05/24
  • SATs Week: 13/05/24-16/05/24
  • Bridgnorth Endowed Transition Days: 01/07/24 & 02/07/24
  • Ludlow School Transition Day: 02/07/24
  • Sports Day (Provisional): 03/07/24
  • KS2 Performance (afternoon): 16/07/24
  • KS2 Performance (evening): 17/07/24

School Communication Feedback

We are currently exploring ways in which we can improve communication from school to ensure relevant information gets to parents effectively and consistently.


Currently, our main source of information is via the school website. Parents can sign up to an automated email service (“MailChimp”) for your child’s specific class. If something has been published to a classes’ bulletin, an email is automatically sent to all of those signed up. This service is not always perfect and emails do often get blocked or filtered. As well as individual website posts, we collate posts to create a newsletter and will post key information on the school Facebook page.


We are just looking at how the school community would prefer to receive information and whether there are any changes/improvements we can make. If you could fill in the following Microsoft Form: 

New Cubbyholes!

Over the Easter break, staff put together and installed our new cubbyholes to replace our coat pegs – which were becoming an issue in terms of keeping children’s bags/coats organised.
A big thank you to FOBCS – who raised the money that was used to purchase these!
Also, another big thanks to Mrs. Heath and Mrs, Godfrey for helping with putting the units together and to Miss Greenan, Mrs. Godfrey and Mrs. Robinson for helping paint the custom-made backs for the units!

No Celebration Assembly – Thursday – 11.04.24

Unfortunately, there will not be a celebration assembly this week.


Our first of this term will be next week (Thursday 18th April).

“Champ the Tiger” – FOBCS

Congratulations to Aubrey – who was the winner of the FOBCS Easter Tiger.

FOBCS raised £71.70 with this fundraiser!


The cubbyholes will hopefully be arriving, and staff will be installing them, over the Easter holidays for a return in the summer term.

Mid-year reports

Children will be coming home with their mid-year reports today.


Reception children do not have mid-year reports and there’s will come at the end of the year – and, unfortunately, due to the current school structure, Scorpions reports will be coming home with children on the first half term after the Easter break.


Staff spend a considerable amount of time writing these reports, and we have also made a number of changes to their format this year to try and ensure the most useful information is present in a easy-to-find way (following feedback from previous years), and so we’d really appreciate some feedback on how useful and effective you find the different elements of the report format.

If you could fill in the following Microsoft Form after reading your child’s report, it would be hugely appreciated:

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

On Friday, the whole school had a great day fundraising for Comic Relief – where children came to school dressed in something red.

Just after lunch, we held a KS1 and KS2 joke competition – where 20 children’s jokes were shortlisted. These children then shared their joke with the rest school, and an eventual winner was chosen for each by means of the volume of applause.


In KS1, our winning pupil was Joey. KS2 was a little harder to judge with it first being impossible to choose between Ted, Libby, Will S and Edward . After a retelling of their jokes and a remeasure of their applause, Ted was chosen as our KS2 winning joke.


Our two winners of each key stage then went to head-to-head as the “whole-school best joke”. After a very close applause volume, Joey was declared the winner.


Check out the shortlisted jokes below:

Joey (whole-school and KS1 winner): “What’s the best present to receive?    ….   A broken drum… You just can’t beat it!”

Ted (KS2 winner): “Knock, knock.”    …   “Who’s there?”   …   “Boo”  …   “Boo who?”   …   “It’s only a joke. There’s no need to cry!”

Libby (KS2 finalist): “What do you call a flying monkey?   …   A hot-air baboon.”

Edward (KS2 finalist): “What’s the best thing about Switzerland?   …   I don’t know, but the flag’s a big plus!”

Will S (KS2 finalist): “Why couldn’t the pony sing?   …   Because it was a little horse!”

Penny: “What did one eye say to the other?   …   Something between us smells!”

Isabelle T: “What do you call a potato wearing glasses?   …   A spec-tata!”

Grace: “What do you call a witch at the beach?   …   A sand-witch!”

Robin: “How do apes open a door?   …   Using a mon-key!”

Jayden: “What did one plate say to another?   …   Dinner’s on me!”

Isabelle J: “Someone in this audience is a owl…”      ———     “Who?”

Sam R: “I’ve been practising woodwork for ages   …   I think I’ve finally nailed it!”

Jorge: “I have a joke about paper   …   I can’t share it though: it’s tearable!”

Harry A: “I phoned up to book a pizza   …  When I’d finished, I asked if it would be long   …  They said, “No, it’ll probably be round.”

Ellie: “Is your fridge running?”   …    “Yes”   …   “You better go catch it then!”

Abigail: “What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?   …   An irrelephant!”

Stan: “What do you call a dinosaur that’s asleep?   …   A dino-snore!”

Isabel Y: “What did the horse say when he tripped over?   …   Help! I’ve fallen over, and I can’t giddy up!”

Zac: “What time did the boy go to the dentist?   …   Tooth-hurty”

George B: “What the penguin get from the genie in the lamp?   …   Three fishes!”

Archie R: “There’s two cows in a field   …   One says to the other: “Have you heard about this mad cow’s disease that’s going around?”   …  The other replies: ” Yeah, I know. It makes me grateful that I’m a penguin!””


Well done to all of those that submitted jokes – including those that weren’t unfortunately shortlisted! And thank you for all your kind donations for Comic Relief – we raised £145.80 in total!

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