Here are the answers from yesterday’s questions:

Problems of the day

Bar Models
Challenge of the day
What you should have found with today’s challenge is that when you get to around 6 or 7 folds it’s impossible to fold in half again.
The reason for this is that each time we fold it in half, it becomes twice as thick – to point in which we can’t fold it anymore. We can all agree paper is quite thin (~0.1mm thick). However, folded in once it’s 0.2mm. Folded twice it’s 0.4mm. Folded three times it’s 0.8mm thick. Folded four times it’s 1.6mm thick. Folded five times it’s 3.2mm thick. Folded 6 times it’s 6.4mm thick. Folded 7 times it’s 12.8mm (1.28cm) thick.
The smaller a piece of paper is – the fewer times you will be able to fold it. Therefore, by using a large piece of really thin paper is going to be able to be folded more times.
Britney Gallivan holds the world record for folding a single piece of paper 12 times!
Interestingly, if you fold a piece of paper 10 times, it would be about the width of your hand. If you could fold a piece of paper 23 times, it would be about 1000m thick. If possible, 30 folds would get you to space (100,000m). 42 folds would be enough to get to the moon. 103 folds would, in theory, make the paper thicker than the whole universe.
With the dragon question, you should have found that if the dragon doubles in size each day, it will half fill the cave after 19 days. Well done to Elliot – who was the first person to send me the correct answer!
Sentence / Fragment / Run-on
1.) Fragment (subordinate clause)
2.) Run-on
3.) Sentence
4.) Sentence
5.) Sentence
6.) Run-on
7.) Run-on
8.) Sentence
9.) Sentence
10.) Run-on
Geography / History

These 7 kingdoms along with the Green South-West region (now Devon and Cornwall) went on to eventually form the Kingdom of England. The Green region (excluding the Devon/Cornwall region) are the kingdoms which eventually went on to form the Kingdom of Wales – whilst the pink regions (along with some of Northumbria) went on to form the Kingdom of Scotland.
Lots of these names are still used regularly and they are all still considered regions (if no longer kingdoms) of Britain. The one which you will most likely to have seen is Mercia – as being in “West Mercia Police”.