We have received the sketch of the school mural today, from the artist Rory McCann. A massive thank you to all the children who shared and sent in their ideas and thoughts about what they loved about the local area and also the wider world and universe. Hopefully you will be able to spot some of your thoughts in the drawing!
Here is the sketch, and below is the ‘story’ that goes behind it – I am sure you will agree it looks absolutely beautiful and will make a stunning feature at the front of the school. We are looking forwards to seeing the progress when the painting starts on 15th March.

The journey from right to left.
* The tree represents community and our roots. It’s leaves are multi-coloured and made up of the children’s handprints (I’ll need at least a selection of stencils of their hands, if not all of them!). A girl and a boy in the school uniform are on and by the tree looking out to the wider world.
* Behind them is the local area – a skyline of the village (with church and school and houses) and the iconic hill behind. A rainbow over the hill represents what we’ve been through this last year and the idea of hope and silver linings.
*The barn owl (someone said they love birds of prey) represents the idea of spreading our wings to fly. It is setting out from the village.
* A path leads out from the village to the edge of the land – with great adventure and mysteries lying beyond.
* In the wider world, there are great challenges (the stormy waves), but we can rise above them and embrace them (the whale breaching). There are also great mysteries to be found (the plesiosaur – also in there because someone mentioned dinosaurs and I thought why not!).
* The sky and moon represents ambition and reaching for the stars. The rocket that Tim Peake was on is heading out into space.
Your school values lie along the journey. Aspire is next to the the girl and boy, as they look out. Believe is above the rainbow. Persevere is along the towering waves. And Succeed is up in the stars.