During the lockdown and summer term, we occasionally used Facebook and Facebook Messenger to communicate with parents, as it proved to be an easily accessible form of communication. However this was a response to exceptional circumstances. Now that schools have reopened, we are returning to the normal formal means of home/school communication.
Our main source of information from school to home, is via the School Website on the School News and Class News pages and it is really helpful for parents to subscribe to these pages as that way you will receive an email and/or notification each time a news item is posted. This saves you having to log onto the website and search for information. The website will also push some news to the school’s Twitter and Facebook pages for information only.
This is also timely to remind parents that school staff are unable to connect and communicate with parents or children via their personal Facebook pages or other social media. Staff are unable to accept ‘friend’ requests from parents and children, in line with E-safety guidance. All home to school communication should be via official school channels such as telephone, email (admin@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk or class email addresses) or letter. You can find further information about this in the safeguarding and e-safety policies in the policies section on our website.
I am sure you understand the reasons for this, but if you have any questions please let me know.