Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Well we are nearly at the end of our first half term of this new academic year – and it has been so lovely having everyone back in school, and having the team back together!

Last week we started to think about the importance of different learning skills – can you remember any of them??

There was listening, observing, discussing, practising, teaching others….

Learning is complex – it takes time, perseverance, motivation, and resilience.  Have a think about your own definition of resilience – what do you think it means?  You might all have a different idea…

….I’m guessing some of you might have said that “Resilience means never giving up” or “Resilience means keep on going even if it gets hard” – both of which are right.  There are many different examples, but the one I want you to focus on today, is how important it is to learn from our mistakes.  An important part of learning means making mistakes – and then learning from our mistakes so that we don’t repeat them.

Everybody makes mistakes – lots of times!  You might make mistakes in maths, mistakes with your spellings, mistakes with friendships by saying or doing something unkind, mistakes in class by calling out repeatedly or not listening and trying your best.  It is ok to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them so that we don’t keep repeating them….that’s called learning!

So as you go through today, when you make a mistake – ask yourself why, and what could you learn from it so that you don’t repeat it!

Enjoy this video about learning from your mistakes…

So today’s message is don’t worry about mistakes – you need to make them to learn from them – but the important thing is to learn from them so you don’t repeat them!

Now have a quiet moment of reflection as we approach worship time and have a think about these questions…

Do you see mistakes as failure?

Or are they an opportunity to learn and do better next time?

Do you see saying sorry as a failure?

Or is it an opportunity to make up with friends and start again?

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,

Help us to learn through our mistakes.

Teach us to know right from wrong so that we do not hurt others by what we say or do.

Give us the strength to cope when mistakes are made and help us to deal with them sensibly.





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