Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we started to think about what we mean by the word RESPECT.  I am sure each class had lots of different ideas – and we discussed how it could be as simple, as treating others as you would wish to be treated yourself.  I would like you to watch a short video about a bear and a moose, and a rabbit and a raccoon.  As you watch it think about who is showing respect and how, and who isn’t?  What happens when there is a lack of respect?

Which animals were respectful?  And how did they show respect?  How would you describe the Bear and Moose?  What happened to them as a result?

Respect can really make a difference – and often if you show others respect, they will tend to show you respect in return.  Maybe try it at playtime today – let your friend have a go, or choose the game – see what happens?  Maybe try holding a door open for someone?  Remembering to let adults through doorways first?  Give it a go and see what response you get – you might be pleasantly surprised!

Respect is a two way street – we need to treat people how we wish to be treated.  There is a story in the Bible in the Book of Matthew that shows how Jesus respected everyone, no matter who they are or what they had done….


Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Help us to love everyone, whoever they are.
Help us to include everyone in the things that we do.
Help us to be thankful for the people who help us.
Help us always to treat people with respect.

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