Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

This week we have started to think about self-belief, and having the courage to be proud of who we are – no matter what our differences are!  We are all unique, even if you are twins – there will still be things that make you different.

There is a lovely picture by Charlie Macksey, that might make you think about yourself – and what being you means….

If you were to discover you, can you think of 3 things that would you different from everyone else? …  It could be physical (what you look like!), or your favourite things, or hobbies, or family structure, your dream and hope – absolutely anything – as differences come in so many different forms!

For me – if I had to pick 3 things that make me, ME…….I’d choose

  1. Having a wonderful daughter who is as much a friend as a daughter
  2. Having a secret aspiration that I would love to travel into space and be able to look down on the earth.
  3. Being tall!

What would your 3 things be?

…..there are 96 children at Brown Clee School, and if you all answered I am fairly sure that you would all have given very different answers!  And you should all be proud of those differences!

Prayer of the Day

Dear Lord,
Thank you that we are all unique and different, and thank you that we are precious to you.
Please help us to show other people that we value them and their uniqueness, too.
Thank you for the variety of gifts, abilities and personalities in this school.
Please help us to be people who always look for the best in each other.



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