Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

This week we have started to think about the importance of FRIENDSHIP – we have reflected upon the importance of trust, and of listening to friends.

Today I’d like you to think about what you think is meant by the word FRIENDSHIP – how could you define it?  Have a moment to think about it…..then share your thoughts – and remember you might all have a different idea!

Friendship word design, Typography message note feeling think and inspiration theme Vector illustration

In the dictionary it defines FRIENDSHIP as “Having a good relationship
with somebody we call a friend, showing friendship to others.”  Have a watch of this video – about a little boy and his father who run a llama pinata business (in case you’re not sure what a pinata is – its a fancy container that is hung up at parties and when beaten releases sweets) – see how many words you can come up with from watching it, that can describe what friendship means…..

How many words did you come up with – have a share in class, and then I will share mind……

I came up with lots – the story made me think of companionship, fun, helpfulness, kindness, warmth, encouragement, support, teamwork, joy, laughter, happiness, dependable, special, caring – all positive words that help make the world a better place.

So as we go through this term I want us to focus on the importance of having friends – and also of being a good friend.  Imagine a world without friends – what a lonely place that would be!  Let’s see how many different ways we can be good friends to each other so that we can help make the world a happier place.

Let’s take a quiet moment now to reflect – what have we learnt about friendship – what does it mean – how important is it? At the end of the story – the llama pinata seems to have made the little boy’s father a happier person – so maybe friendship is infectious – maybe by being a friend to others we can help make the world a friendlier place –  what do you think?

Prayer of the Day

Dear God

We thank you for our friends and for the happy times we share with them.

Help us to be a good friend to them.

Teach us how to play fairly and to share.

Help us to recognise loneliness in others and show friendliness towards them.

We know that you are our friend and will be with us always.




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