Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

It was so lovely welcoming everyone back yesterday and see everyone’s happy smiley faces and hear their cheery greetings!  We are straight into the Spring Term and I know that some of you have now set your own targets or resolutions following yesterday’s assembly.  Mine was to drink more water each day – as it is so important to keep my body healthy – so I have set myself the target of drinking all my waterbottle each day – something that I regularly failed to do in the past!

Taking care of ourselves is so important – and even though we have family and friends to help us do this, ultimately it is down to ourselves to learn to be responsible for making good choices – whether those choices are about our well-being and health, or our learning. Everything choice that we make is up to us – not anyone else.

Today I want us to think about responsibility – Being Responsible is one of our 3 school rules – and it involves making the right choices.  Have a watch of this video about making the right, or good, choice….and have a think about what you can do to help you make good choices…

So what have you learnt about making good choices?  Is there anything you can do to help make a good choice?

I learnt that you need to stop and take some time – to pause before saying or doing something – to THINK about what would be a good choice.  Have a think about a time when you have made a poor choice – what did you choose and what happened because of it?  Now think what you could have done to help you make a better choice…..

As you go through the day, see if you can try the traffic light method – and STOP – PAUSE and Breathe – then THINK – and make a good choice!  I wonder if it will help you have a more positive day?

Enjoy listening to this song about choices and reflect upon what good choices you are going to make today…

As we come to the end of our assembly, let’s take a moment to reflect  – We all have a lot of choices to make every day – some small, some bigger. How will you make your choices today and who will you talk to when you have big decisions to make?

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Thank you that you love us and let us make our own choices.
Help us to remember that our choices have consequences.
Please help us when we have difficult choices to make,
decisions that are helpful to us and to others.


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