Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

This week we have been thinking about the importance of thinking before we speak – as we have learnt that our words are very powerful!  We can do a lot of good with our words – or we can do a lot of harm – and we need to ensure we stop and THINK before speaking so that we use our words wisely.

Can you remember what each letter in the word THINK stands for?  See if you can!…..




Here it is – just in case you forgot!

Now I’d like you to think and reflect as you watch this video from The Pace Trust – you will recognise the toothpaste demonstration!

So today I want you to really THINK before you speak – if you have the opportunity to say something that is true, that is helpful, that is inspiring, that is necessary, that is kind, you should take that opportunity. Because, although our words can cause damage, they can also make someone’s day immeasurably better and by choosing to say that truthful, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind thing, we add to the sum of positives in our community, and make everyone that little bit better.

Our words make a difference. Let’s make a positive difference.


Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Help us to think about the words we say.
Help us to say sorry when we have said unkind words, or when we have spoken words that we later regret.
Help us to try our best to ‘Think first, speak second’.

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