Good Morning Brown Clee!
Yesterday we started to think about the meaning of Forgiveness – can you remember what it means? …… we said it can be about giving people a second chance. In the Bible story yesterday, God gave Jonah a second chance even though he had disobeyed Him.
Today I want you to have a look at this list of mistakes:-
Have a think about them and discuss and I wonder if you can put them in an order from the biggest (or most severe) to the smallest (most trivial)? (Here is a powerpoint which you can use to manipulate the mistakes…List of Mistakes)
You might have different ideas to your friends, and of course it also depends on what the consequences of the mistakes are!
Have a think now – have you made any of those mistakes? And if so what happened?
In the Bible, in the New Testament Book of Acts, there is a man called Saul who made some very serious mistakes! Saul was a very clever and learned Jewish man who knew all about God’s laws and had spent all his life trying to keep them. He didn’t kill, he didn’t steal, he wasn’t jealous of what his neighbour had, he went to church regularly and gave money to the poor. In fact he was a very highly respected man. But Saul did not like or believe in Jesus. Watch what happens and see if you can spot any signs of forgiveness…
What a mean man Saul was! He did some horrible things, and hurt people, even going against Jesus! But yet, God forgave him – I wonder why? And what happened after Saul was forgiven? All mistakes can be forgiven by God.
As you go through the week, and if things go wrong – someone upsets you, or you make a mistake – try practising forgiveness, and see what happens!
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Thank you that you understand us.
Thank you that you are divine and that you are able to forgive.
Thank you for the story of Saul.
Thank you that you forgave his mistake
and that you changed him into someone who blessed many other people.