Class 4 – Remote Learning – 10.02.21

Good morning.


Here’s this week’s rough timetable of what this week would look like if we were in school. Again, the amount of work isn’t going to be as much as if we were in school, but you may find it useful to follow. If you’d rather structure your day a different way, please feel free.




Here are today’s EBM questions: EBM – 10.02


Maths: Perimeter of Rectangles

This week, we are going to be looking at perimeter.

Here is today’s video – which talks through this idea with some diagrams and calculations:

Here is the work sheet: Perimeter of rectangle – 10.02


Maths: Extension

Here are some optional questions for you to have a go at today after finishing the main activity if you want something a bit more challenging.

Wed 13th Nov 2019 Questions 1 and 2 without bars-merged


Sentence / Fragment / Run-on

As we usually do in school, here is a Sentence / Fragment / Run-on task:

The first page is just information / a recap on the difference is between an sentence, a fragment and a run-on.

Sentence, Fragment, Run-on – 10.02



Over the next couple of days, you are going to write your own non-chronological report. You can use the one you have written about tigers to help structure this one.


I’m going to leave the topic of the report completely up to you: you could write one about another type of animal, an area we’ve been learning about over the past few weeks (e.g. ancient Greek gods, particles in physical and chemical changes, ancient Greek) or you could come up with your own idea completely. Whatever you choose, remember you have got to write a report on it, so you need to know the topic quite well.

The first thing you will need to do is plan (and research – if needed) your ideas. The best way to do this is like we did for the tiger report and plan your paragraphs first. You will need a introductory paragraph and a conclusion – and then some (at least 2) other paragraphs

Once you’ve have planned what each of your paragraphs will be about, you can then start writing it.


Remember, you have a couple of sessions to do this – so don’t try and rush it: it should be at least a page long! Also remember that once you have finished writing, it is really important you go through and check your writing.

Here is a whole example of the non-chronological report about tigers: Tiger Non-chronological report


Class Read



Here’s your spellings for today: Challenge list 1 – (2)

Our next couple of spelling sessions contain words from a list of commonly misspelt words for year 5/6.


Independent Reading

As always you should be trying to read every day. However, as we would usually do after spellings (in school), it would be great if you could spend an extra 30 minutes reading.



In music, we are going to build on the work we have been doing on rhythm:


Try to make sure you complete the tasks in the video and send them in (as well as completing the quizzes).



Today, in P.E., we are going to continue our work on triple jumping.


As always, we need to make sure we have a safe space and first warm up. Here is a Just Dance video you can use for your warm-up (or you can come up with your own warm-up):


Before we start our activity, here’s a (very) short video showing the triple jump in full:


Your task today is to first complete and measure the distance of 5 separate hops (take off from one foot and land on the same foot). Then, complete and measure the distance of 5 separate “step jumps” (take off one foot and land on the other). Then, complete and measure 5 separate standing long jumps (take off one or two feet and land on two feet). Finally, you need to complete and measure 5 complete triple jumps.


Once you have done those, you can then plot your measurements on line graph (like we did last week).


As always, please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.


I look forward to hearing from you.

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