Good morning.
Here’s this week’s rough timetable of what this week would look like if we were in school. Again, the amount of work isn’t going to be as much as if we were in school, but you may find it useful to follow. If you’d rather structure your day a different way, please feel free.

Here are today’s EBM questions: EBM – 09.02
Maths: Perimeter on grids
This week, we are going to be looking at perimeter.
Here is today’s video – which talks through this idea with some diagrams and calculations:
Here is the work sheet: Perimeter on a grid – 09.02
Maths: Extension
Here are some optional questions for you to have a go at today after finishing the main activity if you want something a bit more challenging.
Maths Extension – 09.02
Sentence / Fragment / Run-on
As we usually do in school, here is a Sentence / Fragment / Run-on task:
The first page is just information / a recap on the difference is between an sentence, a fragment and a run-on.
Sentence, Fragment, Run-on – 09.02
Today, we are going to be writing our final paragraph of our non-chronological report.
This will be a conclusion. A conclusion sums up some the key points in a text and “closes up the text”. If you read the example conclusion, it will give you a better idea of how to write one.
Here is an example text and some questions for you think about before you start writing your own paragraph: Tiger Non-chronological report – Concluding paragraph and Qs
Class Read
Apologies for missing the last few of these:
Today’s whole-class reading is video-based story, which can be found here:
Your questions can be found here: Pandora’s Box – TED – Q
In history, we are going to look at some significant ancient Greek philosophers and the long-term impact they had:
Try to make sure you complete the tasks in the video and send them in (as well as completing the quizzes).
As always, please make sure you have a safe space before starting.
As always, please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.
I look forward to hearing from you.