Year 1: Phonics Practice

The Year 1s in Fireflies and Grasshoppers have been working hard with their phonics this half term and have learnt all the following phonemes:

/ea/ /oe/ /au/ /ew/ /ay/ /ie/ /ou/  /ey/ /wh/ /ph

We have set some practice assignments up on Spelling Shed for them and it would be really helpful if they could practice at least one game daily – as little and often practice is the best way to ensure new information gets stored in the long term memory.

All children should have their Spelling Shed log-ins to access the games.

We will also be setting spelling lists for the tricky (common exception) words – and with these words, children can earn certificates with the points that they amass!  Each point they earn goes towards their “Shed Score” – and this is the total of scores for the past rolling 7-day period.

All children start as an egg and can work their way up to a Royal Bee!

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