Good Afternoon.
Here are this week’s well-done certificates.
Well-done Certificates




Numbots and TTRS Certificates
Numbots and TTRS certificates will be given out in class again, but… here are…
This week’s top three pupils (for completed levels on Numbots):
3.) Ari C (Dragonflies)
2.) Sam R (Grasshoppers)
1.) Teddy Y (Grasshoppers)
This week’s top three pupils (for correctly answered questions on TTRS):
3.) Joshua W (Dragonflies)
2.) Finley P (Dragonflies)
1.) Hugo M (Scorpions)
School Prayer
We will finish today’s assembly with an opportunity for a quiet moment of reflection with our school prayer.
Dear God,
Thank you for our wonderful school.
Help us to be good learners.
Help us to look after each other.
Help us to be respectful and kind, and to make everyone welcome.
May our school be a happy, safe place – where learning is fun,
where we all work together to be the best we can be.