Welcome to Grasshoppers!

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break and enjoyed spending time with your families.
Hopefully, you all feel refreshed and ready for the new school year ahead!
Our topic for the Autumn term is SUPERHEROES!
Click on the link below to have a look at what the children will be learning.
Autumn Term Overview – Superheroes

Please find below some information about the ‘Grasshoppers’.
Monday – Thursday, the class is taught by Mrs Morris. On a Friday, the class is taught by Mrs Cains.
Grasshoppers will be supported by Mrs Markall (Mon – Weds) and Miss Horton (Mon – Fri)
This year, we have 16 Year 2 children and 14 Year 1 children.
PE Days
Monday: Gymnastics & Dance (Indoor PE kit)
Friday: Games (Outdoor PE kit – Tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie can be worn as the weather becomes cooler. These need to be plain black or navy, not pink and sparkly!)
Water bottles
Please can water bottles be plastic, not metal and have non spill spouts.
Bags and Coats
The children will need one bag for their belongings which will be placed in the cloakroom at the start of the day. They will bring their reading book and water bottle into the classroom only. There will be a box outside the classroom for lunchboxes to be stored.
Children must bring a warm, waterproof coat every day. They will be going outside at playtime whatever the weather.
Please ensure that all belongings are named, especially school jumpers, cardigans, coats and bags.
Trinkets and toys
Please can you ensure that the children do not bring into school small soft toys, trinkets or other small toys from home. The children are very welcome to bring in books, photographs or work they have done at home that is relevant to our topic in school.
The children will be expected to read regularly throughout the week. If the children have read and had their reading record signed by an adult at home or if they have finished their book and need a new one, they can put it into the ‘blue box’ in the classroom.
In the back of their reading record they will have a slip of card to track how many times they have read at home. Numbers will be crossed off each time they have their reading record signed.
Homework is reading, learning the spellings for their year groups and learning their times tables. To support them to do this they will have access to ‘Spelling Shed’, ‘Numbots’ and ‘TimesTable Rock Stars’.
I will give the children log in details for these and put more detailed information about spellings and times tables on the class page, at the beginning of term.
(You can also find our school ‘Homework Policy’ on the school website.)
Please look out for regular updates on the Grasshoppers page of the school website. Here you will find reminders, photographs and information about the curriculum we follow in class.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by email, send a note or arrange a telephone call/ appointment via the school office.
Our class email address, which you can contact me directly on, is: grasshoppers@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk
New children to the Grasshoppers class – If your child is joining our class as a Year 1, please get in touch if there is anything in addition to the information above that you would like to know or if you feel there is anything you think would be helpful for me to know, before the children return on Thursday.
I hope you all enjoy the last few days of the summer break. I’m really looking forward to seeing you all and starting our exciting topic!