Summer Term and Parent Questionnaire

What a year it has been again – and it is hard to believe that we have only 5 weeks to go to the summer holidays.  There is still plenty going on in school and there are some end of year events being planned – they will just have to operate in a Covid secure fashion – unless restrictions and guidance change.

  • We are holding Whole Class and Leavers Photographs this week – Thursday – so please keep your fingers crossed the nice weather continues!
  • We are going to give the children a Sports Day as we did last year – but sadly (unless social distancing rules change) it will be in-house.
  • We are also going to hold a Year 6 Leavers Assembly, which will be outside and we will be inviting Year 6 parents (maximum of 2 – sorry!) to join us.  We are hoping to hold this on Wednesday 14th July at 2pm – weather dependent!
  • Teachers are currently in the process of writing children’s school reports.  It has been a disruptive year for learning, and we have very much valued your support for when children have had to learn at home.  There will be no assessment data on these reports as this information is not possible yet – however you will receive detail on your child’s general progress, as well as information on their maths, English and science learning, along with information on your child’s attitudes to learning.  Parents of children in Reception will receive a different format in-keeping with the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.
  • In terms of curriculum learning, we have very much prioritised our teaching to ensure that children will be in as strong a position as possible in September 2021.  All children have got ‘gaps’ in certain areas as they have all had a different experience over the past 15 months – and no child has completed a complete academic year for 2 years.  We are carrying out internal assessments for core subjects which will provide us with a good picture of where children are to allow us to plan for September 2021.
  • We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding with regards to school meals.  Pippa has been a star in adapting the menus to allow us to provide hot finger food in the classrooms.  We know that this is not ideal, and the menus aren’t as varied and enticing as normal – but logistics and restrictions have been a challenge.  We are all looking forwards to being able to provide a full, exciting school meal menu with children eating in the hall again – and we are also looking into the possibility of pre-ordering/pre-payment as a way forwards in September.

We are planning and preparing for the new academic year, where we all have our fingers crossed that we can operate in a ‘normal’ manner – and the Governors and Staff are very much focussed on further school improvements and development.  As such, we very much value and appreciate your voice and feedback, as our whole ethos is one of partnership with families – so we kindly ask that you spare a moment to complete the attached Parent Survey and return to the School Office (via email if possible please!) by Friday June 18th.  If you have more than one child you are welcome to complete more than one, as the answers might be different for different children.

Parental Questionnaire June

We still have just over 5 weeks to go to the end of this academic year, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that the children continue to receive a rich curriculum and an enjoyable end to the year!  Please continue to keep an eye on the school website and social media pages for updates as we go through the term.

Thank you again so much for your support.

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