Spelling Shed & Numbots/Times Table Rock Stars

As part of your child’s homework they will have access to Spelling Shed, Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars.

Your child has their log in details for these games in the front of their yellow reading records.

Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars have the same log in details.

Children in Year 1 can use Numbots and after Christmas Year 2 children can begin to use TTRS as well.

Spelling Shed will help your child learn the ‘Common Exception’ words that they need to be able to read and spell by the end of Key Stage 1. It will also help to support them with spelling words containing all the sounds and letter patterns from Phases 2 – 6.




I can see how many times each child has accessed these games throughout the week and so will check on a Thursday that children are completing Spelling Shed and Numbots.

If you have any problems accessing any of the games, please get in touch.


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