We are nearly at the start of a new academic year, where we will be welcoming new pupils into Reception. However this year, it will be the strangest start to a new academic year ever – as we are also welcoming children back, many who haven’t been into school since March – and it is sadly, a very different looking and feeling school due to the current circumstances.
There are lots of changes in place, to the physical environment, as well as routines and procedures. These have all been made to try and minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus, which could then spread out into the community and put ‘vulnerable’ family members at risk, and could also impact on future class or school closures. The key measures for reducing risk of infection are staying away from school if anyone displays symptoms, thorough hygiene and cleaning measures and keeping class groups apart and socially distancing – so please help us by ensuring that you have read through all procedures which can be found on this website here:
Key Information about School Procedures and Measures (Coronavirus)
I am attaching here a copy of the email that was sent out last week as a reminder, as well as the letter emailled out in September, which detail many of these changes. There is also a letter from Shropshire Council about School Transport, and I have attached here the ‘Start of School Day’ and ‘End of School Day’ procedures.
Welcome back letter
Letter to parents regarding opening Sep 2020
Start of Day Procedures
End of the Day Procedures
Parent Letter re Sept School Transport 140820
I know that there is a lot of information, but it is vital that everyone is aware of all the changes and guidance – so please do share with other parents, so that we can all work together to ensure that the new school year is a smooth, calm, happy and safe one for all children.
Please do bear with us, as it is all new for school staff too! I am sure that there may be many questions, and we will be here to answer them. Sadly, this will have to be by email of phone mostly, as with the increase in numbers at the start and end of the day, there won’t be opportunity to have the normal face-to-face communication.
To help children ‘see’ some of the changes, I am hoping to post photos/video of the routes into school, and of the layout of the new one way systems on Tuesday – so please keep an eye on the website! The school news section of the website is the main source of information and route for us to communicate – so please do keep an eye or even better subscribe here for notifications…
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Again, apologies for information overload – but it is important! Enjoy the next few days and we are very much looking forwards to seeing all the children next Wednesday – we have missed them!