Remote Learning


I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, even if if hasn’t started in the way we would of hoped.

As we move to remote learning I felt is was appropriate to highlight a few things that are going to happen that maybe different to the first lockdown. As it stands currently, all learning will be taking place remotely at least until February half term and it is a Government expectation that all children will engage with online learning, completing tasks set for them remotely.

I will post a daily plan for learning and links to any resources on the website and will send an email link to this work to everyone in Class 3 by 9:00. We are respectfully asking that parents acknowledge receipt of this email by 9:30 to confirm they have seen the work set for that day. This is effectively our register for the day. At this point, should there be any barriers or issues that may affect the childrens ability to complete the work for that day, please could you let me  know.

Any completed work should be emailed in and a constructive feedback email will be sent. Should anyone have any issues, child or parent, please email and ask for help. Miss Greenan, Mrs Gennard and myself will be available throughout the day to support and offer guidance as needed.

It is best if work is returned throughout the day if possible, as it can then be acted upon much more immediately. However I completely appreciate this may not always be entirely possible given your personal or family circumstances. Unfortunately, any work returned after 3:30 wont be able to have specific feedback given but please do send it in.

Communication is vital to the success of our remote teaching and learning and it should be a dialogue between us all to help ensure that the children continue on their leaning journey. Should you have any issues, questions, thoughts about anything, please do let me know and I will do my very best to try and help.

I am also going to post the weekly timetable that I would be using in school. This is just an idea of what you can expect in terms of subject coverage throughout the week. Ignore the timings, it is just so you and the children can see what subjects to expect and when.

Many Thanks. We can do this!

Kind regards

Mrs Cains

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