Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

What do you think this is?  It isn’t frankincense!……

Yes – it’s myrrh – but do you know what myrrh is and why the wise men gave it to the baby Jesus? Myrrh is a fragrant spice derived from the sap of a tree native to the Near East. Like frankincense, it can be used as incense, but in the ancient world it also had wider usage as a perfume.  Myrrh was also a key ingredient in the mixture of spices that were used to prepare bodies for burial – what a strange gift for a new born baby! Perhaps the wise men intended this gift as an indication of Jesus’ humanity and the manner in which he would save his people—namely, that he would die for them.

Sometimes we might not always appreciate the value in a gift, and we might have to look a bit deeper to really appreciate gifts – like the gift of myrrh.

Here’s a song depicting the journey of the wise men on their way to offer their gifts…

So as we think of the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus, let us think of the greatest gift of all – the gift of Jesus Christ, who was born so that he could save us all by dying on the cross.

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Thank you for this special time of year that we look forward to.
We want to say thank you for the gift of Jesus
and ask that we may find ways to give to others as well.
On Christmas morning and afterwards, help us not to be disappointed with what we have been given.
Help us to remember the shepherds, who delighted in the surprising sight of an ordinary baby sent by God.

Music Mark
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