Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we thought about the meaning of the word ‘potential’ – and how we all have great potential to succeed at whatever we put our minds to if we have the right conditions such as a positive attitude and working hard to do our best.  Today I would like us to think about what our potential could be when we all work together, as a team, to achieve a common goal.

Yesterday also was when the North American Space Agency (NASA) launched another space craft to transport 4 astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is a large spacecraft that orbits the earth and is a home where astronauts live while they learn about living and working in space.  Watch the launch and have a think how many people actually helped to make this happen?

Back in July 1969, the world watched the very first landing on the moon – it was a historic moment in time, when 3 men landed on the moon for the very first time.  Watch this video clip and have a think about what it shows about potential…..

What an amazing achievement for the 3 astronauts – especially Neil Armstrong who was the first person to step on the moon with the famous words “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.  It was a giant leap – a massive one – but it would not have been possible without all the many other people, all working hard to do the very best at their jobs to ensure that the mission was a success.

We all have the potential to succeed – and we all have the potential to work together to help others to succeed.  As we go through the day and weeks ahead, remember that your actions and efforts, not only affect your own success – but can impact and affect the success of others, so we all have a responsibility to try our best.  Teamwork relies on us all pulling our weight!

Let’s spend a moment thinking about all the teams and groups which we are involved in:
groups where we depend on other people being there for us and other people depend on us being there for them;
teams where we work together;
projects that we work on together.

Let’s be thankful for all the people who keep their commitment to each one of us.

Prayer of the Day

Dear God

Help me to think of those words,
‘It won’t fail because of me’,
at times when it gets tough, difficult, hard.
Help me not to be the link in the chain that fails.



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