Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Last week we started to think about our Christian value of the half term – THANKFULNESS.  Another word for Thankfulness is Gratitude, and this morning I want you to think about whether you have an “Attitude for Gratitude”.  There are 2 videos to watch – the first is rather American but explains what an attitude is and why it is so important to demonstrate gratitude – or thankfulness!  The second provides a bit of the science behind the theory.

As you watch and listen, think about the key messages in both – that by having an “Attitude for Gratitude” will have a positive impact on your life today but also in the future…

A key message for me in this video is that we are in charge of our attitude – it doesn’t happen to us – it is up to use to decide the approach we take to life.  We can’t always choose what happens to use, but we can always choose how we respond – and we can choose to respond in a positive way.  It is your own choice – it is up to you!

This video mentions one of our SMART learning behaviours – did you spot it?  It was resiliency – “gratitude can strengthen resiliency”.

Maybe we could try our own Gratitude Experiment?  As we go through the week ahead – see how we can express gratitude and appreciation every day – to ourselves and to others.  I wonder if it will make a difference to how we experience our lives?

As we come to Worship Time, let’s have a quiet moment to reflect and think about all the wonderful things that we are grateful for – our families and friends, our school, the wonderful natural world that we live in – there are so many things to be thankful for!

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Help us to have good attitudes.
Help us to encourage others.
Help us to look for the good in every situation.
Help us to bring hope, joy and peace to other people.
Help us to be grateful for all we have.

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