Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

The days fly by and we are already at Thursday – Archie’s Kenyan Safari Challenge is up and running (or walking, cycling, horse riding!) and at the time of writing this the school community had reached 431 miles!  But we still have a long, long way to go to reach 2141 miles and get back to Mombasa by the end of Sunday!

So come on Brown Clee – get your trainers on and get walking, running cycling – every family member counts, staff as well!  I know we can do this!!

Today I thought it would be good to learn about life in the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi.  We learnt about what life for 8 year old Naresiah was like, living in a village in Kenya.  Today we are looking at Nana’s life on the outskirts of Nairobi.

As you are watching, have a think what is the same, and what is different, between Naresiah and Nana’s day.

What did you notice?  Did you spot anything the same?  What were the differences?

Kenya is a diverse country, with coast and beaches, savannahs and plains, and bustling cities. We normally think of Kenya and think of villages and African animals, like we say yesterday – but there is much more to it!  There are wealthy areas in cities with businesses and shops, and also areas of poverty where families live in slums.  These are the families that we want to help with Archie’s challenge.


Prayer of the Day

Dear God.

We thank you for all that we have.

Help us to give to others, at the touch of a button, every day.

Please be with those who have no food today.

Help us to do whatever we can to make the world a fairer place.




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