Good Morning Brown Clee!
What a beautiful day it is! We have been thinking of courage and challenges this week, starting with Archie’s Kenyan Safari Challenge to travel around the Kenyan border in 7 days.
I wonder what your definition of courage is? Who would you describe as brave? And why?
Today I am going to share the story of Rosa Parks…
Rosa Parks tells the story of her life, showing how her refusal to give up her seat to a white person on a segregated bus changed the rules of American society, and led towards equality and justice for everyone, whatever the colour of their skin.
The story is told in the first person, and brought to life with a mix of drama, movement, and music.
Growing up in Alabama, Rosa struggled to understand why black and white people were treated differently. One day Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white person just because she was black. This small act changed American society forever. Click on the picture of Rosa Parkes and listen to ‘her’ story….
Rosa didnt shout loud, she didnt use muscle power – but she has shown that you can be brave by being quiet and standing true to what you know is right…something that this beautiful picture by Charlie Mackesey also demonstrates…
I think Archie is being quite spectacular with his physical challenge to travel 2141 miles in 7 days, and I know that we can all be spectacular in our own ways – how can you be spectacular today?
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Help us, whatever we do or however we live our life, to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just, to be kind and merciful
and to make peace, wherever we are.