Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

We have been thinking about courage this week as it is our Christian Value of the half term, and today I would like to share a story from the Book of Daniel, Chapter 6 in The Bible, about a very brave man called Daniel.

Daniel was a man of God, who always put God first in his life. He was also a clever and important young man who helped King Darius to rule his kingdom. Daniel was so good at his job and so trusted by the king that he was in line for a big promotion. Sadly, this made the king’s other helpers jealous. The king’s helpers got together to hatch a plan to bring Daniel down.

Why was Daniel brave?  Was it just for facing the lions without fear? …….  I think he was brave for staying true to his faith that God is the only one God – rather than doing what everyone else was doing.  He knew it was wrong to worship Darius as he was not a God.

When Daniel decided to continue praying to his God, the true God, he didn’t know what the outcome of his decision would be. He must have been scared of the lions, but he had faith in his God,a God who had promised never to leave him or to forsake him. He knew that it was right to continue to trust in his God.

Sometimes it is hard to stick with what you know is right when everyone else is doing something different and wrong.  It is hard to be the ‘odd one out’.  But we should maybe take a leaf out of Daniel’s book, and be brave and have faith.  Maybe we can make a difference and encourage others to follow our lead, and lead them down the right path….



Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Thank you that you promise to be with us always.
Thank you that you promise to be with us in every situation.
When things are hard to understand, please give us strength, faith and perseverance.

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