Good Morning Brown Clee! I hope everyone had a wonderful half term break, and how lucky were we to be able to enjoy such fantastic weather!
Well today is the first day of our last half term this academic year, and it is a very strange one! Some of you will be reading this at home and some of you will be reading this in school in a small group in a classroom. Hopefully you will all enjoy the reflection and appreciate the fact that, although we are apart (even in school, our small groups are not allowed to mix!) we all have a shared opportunity to reflect together, and this will bring us close together in God’s Spirit.
This half term our Christian Value is “Courage” so today I thought I would share another beautiful illustration from Charlie Macksey’s book “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse”. Enjoy the detailed but simple illustration, read the words and then pause and ponder – have a think about what it makes you think about?
What are your thoughts? …………… Mine are that we often don’t know what the future holds, and sometimes not knowing what might happen can be quite scary. But we should remember to try not to be afraid, as more often than not, the unknown can bring great joy and happiness, and sometimes the joy is greater because it is a surprise. So as the sun rises on each new day, I am going to welcome the unknown and not worry about what I cannot change, and I shall look forward to the surprises that bring me happiness and smiles!
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Thank you that you love us and care about us.
Thank you that although we can’t predict the future,
We can know that you will always be with us, whatever we do and wherever we go.
Please help us to trust you.
Please help us to find other people whom we can trust and talk to about our fears.