Good Morning Brown Clee!
We have been thinking about self control recently – and yesterday we talked about how important it is that we THINK before we speak or act at playtimes in particularly – as those are the times that we are making our own choices with less structure. I have asked you to think of ideas/games/suggestions as to how we can improve playtimes and we will talk about this in Wednesday’s assembly.
Today I thought we could reflect on our Christian value of this half term – FRIENDSHIP – and after all our discussions and learning, see if we can summarise what makes a good friend! So we are going to look at each letter and see what you can come up with – I’ll start you off with the…
Letter F alphabet made from zinnia flower ABC concept type as logo.Typography design with clipping path
F is for FAITHFUL – as friends are always loyal and true – they see the best in you and stay by yourside, even when things are difficult.
Now over to you!

R is for…..

I is for…..

E is for….

N is for…

D is for….

S is for…

H is for…

I is for….

P is for…..
So now we all know and appreciate what makes a good friend – and as a result, we also know how we can be good friends to everyone!
In the Bible there are lots of stories and recounts about good friends – today I am going to share the story from The New Testament Book of Luke, about 4 friends who ask Jesus for help.
Have a think about the story – can you share how these men demonstrated friendship?
Let’s take a quiet moment of reflection – can you think of some examples of when you have been a good friend – when you have put someone else first….
Prayer of the Day
Dear God
We thank you for our friends and for the happy times we share with them. Help us to be a good friend to them. Teach us how to play fairly and to share. Help us to recognize loneliness in others and show friendliness towards them. We know that you are our friend and will be with us always.