Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we were continuing with our thinking about FRIENDSHIP and we created our own recipe of what we thought would be the best ingredients to make a good friend.  We then discussed what we thought the most important ingredient was – and I suggested that it is LOVE.

Can you remember why I suggested that LOVE should be the main ingredient for being a friend?…..

It’s because in The Book of Matthew 22:37, we learn that the greatest commandment (also known as a rule!) is that we should “Love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our soul” – so therefore Loving God is the most important rule of all.  But also, following this verse it also says that the second most important commandment is ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ – what do you think this means?

My thought process starts with the question – what is the meaning of the word “neighbour”? …  A neighbour is whoever is next to you – so anyone you sit next to, or live next to – anyone really other than yourself!  And the rule is telling you to Love them – the same as you love yourself – which makes me think about the value of RESPECT – which is treating others as you wish to be treated.  So maybe God is telling us to show others love through treating them with respect?

Have a look and reflect on these pictures by Charlie Mackesey – what do they have in common?  What do they make you think?

Love is a very complex value – and there are lots of different types of love – we love our parents and family, but we can also love our friends – because love means that we care and have respect.  So as you go through the weeks ahead, try and ensure that you are thinking about how your actions and words can impact on your friends…..and we will think more about that tomorrow.

Let’s take a quiet moment to reflect on how we can be better friends to everyone – to all our neighbours – think about how you would like to be treated…..and do you treat others the same way?

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Thank you for love.
Thank you for how good it is to have people who love us, and people whom we can love.
Thank you that your heart is full of love for us and for all those we love.




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