Good Morning Brown Clee!
These past couple of weeks we have been learning a lot about feelings – what they are, how we identify them and how we can show empathy to other people by understanding how they are feeling and showing compassion. Yesterday we considered the emotion of sadness – and how we could show compassion to our friends if we noticed they were feeling sad
Today I want us to think about how we manage and respond to our own feelings so that we can learn to regulate our responses to feelings…especially those feelings that can put us in the RED zone! Can you think which emotions these might be?
Today I want us to think about the feeling of anger – we all feel angry at times – and that’s ok because it is a human emotion. I know when I get angry I feel hot and bothered, my heart rate rises and I’d feel stressed – it’s not a nice feeling. So I would want to know how to manage my anger so that I can deal with it in a sensible, safe way.
There are times when it is right to feel cross, such as if we see someone being picked on or treated unfairly. Anger is a natural emotion, but we need to be able to control it. Sometimes, our anger can spill over and make us say and do things that are hurtful and wrong.
Have a think about a time that you were angry – what had you got angry about and what did you do? Did you manage your angry feelings in a sensible, responsible manner?
We all need to learn to control our anger and respond to situations in a calm, sensible manner. A verse in the Bible, Proverbs 29:11 says, ‘A fool lets out his anger, but a wise person keeps himself under control.’ So before we lose control, it is good to stop and think….and we need to learn how we can do that. Here’s a helpful video with some simple suggestions of how you can calm your anger down…
So if we remember ABCDE
then hopefully we can manage our angry feelings and help get ourselves back into the Green Zone! And we know that the Green Zone is the best zone for learning! So remember to stop, slow it down and step on the brakes if you start to feel angry!
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Please help us to stop when we get angry.
Please help us to think about how we will react and what we will say.
Please help us to treat others well.
Help us to forgive those who hurt us.
Help us to remember that you want us to live in peace.