Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

This morning, I am changing our focus a little and want us to think about the importance of names!  We all have one!  I wonder what they mean?!?

Here are some thoughts for you to reflect on – what does your name mean to you?  Has it got a different meaning?  As we journey through life we are always learning – maths, reading, about the world, but also about ourselves!  We are constantly growing and developing – inside and out.  Have a watch of this assembly by the Pace Trust all about names – and reflect on the importance of names…

What did you think?  What do our names say about us?  What do you want them to say about you?

Names are important – they are part of our identity – and as a school we have been thinking about the names of our classes.  We don’t think that the names “Class 1” or “Class 3” say anything about us – we think they’re boring!

So staff have been putting some thought into the matter – as we appreciate that names are important, and we want our class names to reflect our vision – that “We are a learning community that nurtures and empowers every individual to be the best person that we can be”, and we also want our names to reflect our motto of “Aspire, Believe, Persevere, Succeed”.

It has taken a lot of thought and deliberation but we have finally come up with the theme of metamorphosing animals – because these animals undergo a change on the journey from birth to adult – they grow and develop, just as we do on our journey through school.  So do you want to know what your new class name will be in September???

Here we go…in September

Mrs Fox’s and Mrs Morris’ Class will be the FIREFLIES!

Mrs Morris’ and Mrs Cains’ class will be the GRASSHOPPERS!

Mrs Heath’s Class (she is back in September!) will be the DRAGONFLIES!

Mr Harley’s Class will be the SCORPIONS!

I hope you like them – they sound much better than 1,2,3,4!

Prayer of the Day

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for your special name and that it tells us that you came to help us.

Thank you, too, for our names that were specially chosen for us.


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