Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day


Good Morning Brown Clee!

Recently we have been thinking about how we need to be able to develop self control if we are going to endeavour to be the best person we can be!  We learnt yesterday that we ALL have power and control over 5 different aspects of day to day life – our attitudes, our actions, our words, our manners and our effort.  Today I want us to think about our words – and the responsibility that we have to show self control over the words we use.  Words can do damage – and words can hurt – words can also make a big difference – for good, and for bad!  Have a watch of this video from The Pace Trust and think about the words that you use each day – do you build people up or do you knock people down?

A question for everyone – do you always THINK before you speak?

Put your hand up if you sometimes speak without thinking – …….I’m expecting everyone (adults included!) to have put their hands up, because we all do at times – but we need to learn to THINK before we speak, as by not thinking we could be causing all sorts of problems!

So remember to ask yourself before you speak –

Am I being Truthful?

Are my words Helpful?

Are my words Important?

Is it Necessary to speak?

Am I being Kind?

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
We know that words have power.
Please help us today to use our words carefully.
Help us to encourage each other and build each other up.
Please help us never to be unkind or hurt people with our words.


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