Good Morning Brown Clee!
This week we are continuing to think about how important it is to be bold and brave and give things a go – even if it is tricky and challenging – or even if we aren’t particularly enthused about something! We know that if we want to be the best person that we can be, then we should always put 100% effort into everything that we do!
Have a watch of this short video called ‘Soar’ and see if you can work out what the challenges are (there is more than 1), and how they are overcome….
Did you spot the challenges? The first one was that the little girl’s flying machine crashed, then the wind kept blowing her plans and then she got hit on the head by a bag! She really wasn’t having a good day! Then when the little man crash landed (which was a challenge in itself!), he had his own challenges – the bag was really heavy, his propellor had broken, all his friends were flying off and leaving him behind and then he had to deal with what he thought was a ‘giant’ and all he had was a pencil to defend himself! He really wasn’t having a good day!
The challenges didn’t stop there though did they – when the 2 characters started working together to fix the flying machine, it crashed on the first 2 attempts! No wonder they felt despondent and sad and felt like giving up! But did they?….when the wind blew the plans back, they had another attempt, and finally they got success!
So I wonder what lesson you might take from this film? For me, it is that no matter how hard or tough a time you are having, you need to work together and keep trying as that is the only way to succeed!
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
We thank you for all the opportunities you have given us.
Help us to make the most of our time at school to learn and enjoy all that we can.
Help us to encourage others to do their best, too.
May we grow through new experiences and find joy in whatever comes our way.