Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we continued thinking about our Christian value of the half term – Courage – and we thought about how important it is to show courage when faced with a challenge.  This often involves showing determination, perseverance along with a healthy dose of resilience when things maybe don’t go quite to plan, or when the challenge is particularly tough!  I also shared how my current physical challenge is requiring me to demonstrate lots of determination and ‘grit’ as I work towards my aim of running 5km by following the Couch to 5k challenge.

We know that courage can come in may forms – whether it is facing our fears, pushing ourselves to over-come a challenge, or choosing to do the right thing. Today, have a watch of this video clip from The Pace Trust charity – about courage and a girl in the Bible who was brave enough to lead by doing the right thing when no-one else wanted to.

In the story of Deborah from The Bible, we learn that bravery wasn’t about being the strongest or having the biggest army, bravery was about doing the right thing – even when other people are against you – courage is about having faith in what is right.  Deborah must have been scared – but she knew that she was doing the right thing.


Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
We face lots of challenges and difficulties each day.
We trust that you know the struggles and the problems that we face, and that you care about us.
Help us to develop our sense of resilience when we face problems.
Help us to be a good friend and to have good friends around us who support us.
Help us to make the right choices and to do the right thing,
We ask for your strength, support and guidance when we find ourselves facing difficulty today.

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