Reflection Time and Prayer of the Day

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we enjoyed listening to Reverend Terry as he led our virtual ‘live’ assembly, and we enjoyed interacting with a version of the Bible story about Daniel and the Lion’s Den.  I am going to ask you to watch and listen to another version of this Bible story, and whilst watching think about how it links with our value of the half term – Courage.

So what do you think?  Is there a link between Daniel’s story and Courage?

I’m sure that lots of you have thought how brave and courageous Daniel was when faced with the lions.  He didn’t cry or try to run away – and yet imagine how terrifying that must have been – to be thrown into a pit to be eaten by lions! As we know, he wasn’t eaten because God saved Daniel.

I wonder if anyone had any other ideas about when Daniel showed courage?  Do you think he was brave to carry on praying to God when King Darius had decreed that everyone should only pray to him?  I think he was very brave to do so – as he knew the punishment for doing so would be to be thrown to the lions to die!  So I wonder why he continued praying to God? …….

Daniel knew that it was wrong to pray to false Gods or Kings, and his faith and belief in God meant that he had what we call ‘the courage of his convictions’, to carry on doing the right thing….which was to pray to God – the true God.

I wonder what we can learn from Daniel?  Do we always have the ‘courage of our convictions’ to make the right choices?  Can you think of any examples when you didn’t choose the right thing  – you weren’t brave enough to stick to what you knew was right?

Here are a few possible examples…

  • Have you ever been told to do something that you knew was wrong; such as say or do something mean to someone?
  • Have you ever been asked to keep a secret that you know you shouldn’t?
  • Have you ever done something wrong and not owned up?
  • Have you ever been told to lie about something?

Sometimes it can be difficult to be courageous and do the right thing – your friends might put pressure on you, or it might be easier to take the coward’s way out and lie rather than own up.  However, it takes real courage to do the right thing or make the right choice.

In the Bible story, God saves Daniel – I wonder if this was because he was brave and continued to do what he knew was right?

So as we go through this term, let’s try and be like Daniel and be brave enough to make the right choices – to stick to the courage of our convictions.

Prayer of the Day

Lord, help us to have courage.

Help us to know that courage is not about how strong we are

Help us to know that courage is about doing the right thing –

Even when others don’t, even when we would rather not!

Help us to trust that you are with us, just as you were with Daniel.

Help us to be brave like him.

Help us to know that you are strong when we feel weak;

Thank you that you are always with me.





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