Good Morning Brown Clee!
We have been thinking a lot recently about the importance of resilience in helping us to overcome challenge and to manage mistakes. Today I would like us to think about our Christian value of this half term: FORGIVENESS – because it is very much linked to how we deal with mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes, it is part of being human. Sometimes our mistakes hurt others or their mistakes hurt us, and when this happens we need to say sorry and we also need to forgive. Forgiveness can be difficult but without it a new start is impossible.
The Christian Value of Forgiveness was at the heart of everything Jesus did and is at the heart of the Lord’s Prayer which we say at the start of every school assembly. Forgiveness cannot be given or received unless it is asked for, and the asking must be genuine and from the heart.
To forgive someone means that you are giving them a second chance – so have a watch and listen to this assembly from the PACE Trust, that shares a story from the Bible about a man called Jonah.
So as you go through today, and if things go wrong – a friend upsets you, or you struggle with your work – try giving your friend or yourself a second chance – try forgiveness – it might help make things better!
Prayer of the Day
Dear Lord,
Thank you for today’s Bible story about forgiveness.
Thank you that if we say sorry to you, you give us a fresh start.
Please help us to be forgiving people here in this school.