Good Morning Brown Clee!
Yesterday we had a think about how we all stumble at times – and how important it is that we pick ourselves up and persevere in order to succeed. Sometimes it isn’t that easy though – as when things go wrong, or your plans are setback it is easy to get down about it and lose your motivation.
Today I want us to think about those stumbles – about when something sets you back and you come up against a problem, or when your plans go wrong, or you find something challenging. I wonder if we can learn something from them? Are setbacks always a bad thing? Have a look at this picture and have a think about each statement….can you think of any examples when a setback actually helped you?
Everyone goes through ups and downs in life – and it’s through learning how to manage the ‘downs’ (known as resilience) that helps us to cope better with difficulties.
Have a watch of this film called Boundin’ and think about where you can see resilience….
Poor sheep – he was all embarrassed and shy because he had been sheared – he thought he wasn’t special any more and hid. But what happened?
In the words of the Jackaloupe…”Sometimes you’re up – and sometimes you’re down – when you find yourselves down, then just look around…..get your head in the right place and then you’re complete”. Sometimes it’s not that easy to get your ‘head in the right place’ though – the sheep had help. How did the Jackloupe help?
This week we are going to continue to think about resilience, and how we can learn to be more resilient to help us overcome difficulties.
Prayer of the Day
Dear Lord,
sometimes it’s hard to keep trying.
It’s hard when things are tough
or when everything seems to be going wrong.
Please help us never to give up
but always to persevere.
Please help us to be people who encourage others to keep trying
as we all aim for different goals in life.
Thank you that you never give up on us.