Good Morning Brown Clee!
Yesterday we had a think about how we sometimes might worry about the future, as it is unknown and uncertainties can sometimes make us feel anxious or unsettled. But we also thought about how the future can also make us feel hopeful and optimistic, and how we can look forwards to things. Another word for this is hope, or being hopeful.
So today we are going to think more about our hopes, dreams and plans for the future, and I to start our reflections I am going to share a story –The Story of the Three Trees – watch and listen – and see what messages you can pick out.
In the story, each tree had a plan for its future, but it seemed that God had a different plan for them. Initially, God’s plan did not seem as exciting as their original plans, but eventually, God used each one of them to play an important part in the life of Jesus, from his birth to his death.
We all have hopes and dreams for our futures and that is a good thing. Sometimes we might think that things haven’t turned out as we had hoped for – but maybe like the trees, that is because we just haven’t finished our journey yet and better things are yet to come!
So going back to the power of positive thinking – it is important as it will help us to overcome any disappointments we might have, and to help us think that things will work out ok!
Prayer of the Day
In your journeys to and fro,
God direct you;
In your happiness and pleasure,
God bless you;
In care, anxiety or trouble,
God sustain you;
In peril and danger,
God protect you.